The Seat Taken

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"Boys express the way they like a girl in the weirdest way they can. Boys will forever be boys."

Weekend went so fast and it's Monday again. Shen Yue went to school with a weary look. Jiaqi and Yue had a movie marathon of drama series last night so it left her with not enough sleep. Inspite of the lack of rest, she still made her way to school and entered her class.

Dylan was sitting on Yue's seat as usual. And every time he does that, she always turns out to burst an anger on him. She usually hits him on his shoulders and arms or slaps his head endlessly. But it's all nothing to him. He's actually enjoying it. He just likes annoying her.

He was there sitting and flirting with the girl by his side. He's whispering something on her ears that made her giggle. Well, who could resist not to flirt with such a handsome face?


But She Yue is an exemption. Everything he does, it gets into  her nerves. Everything he does, it always have something against her. He always makes fun of her. Teasing her has been his everyday habit. But she's ready to fight back all the time. No one has ever beaten the Almighty Shen Yue in such tricks but Dylan has the guts to reach her level and make her mad with his trippings.

Yue entered the room with a lifeless body, her eyes were groggy and her brain seemed to be out of place too. She immediately sat on her assigned seat but her eyes suddenly shut open as she felt different about her seat.

Yue's POV

I slumped on my seat as fast as I can so that I can sleep for a while before the school bells rings. But as soon as I sit on my seat, it feels like softer than it used to be. Then, I suddenlt felt something mounty that's poking my behind. My eyes shut open as I realized that I'm sitting on

a person?






"Oh, you like sitting on me huh?" A low teasing voice whispered through my ears. And to be honest, it sent shivers down  my spine.

I turned red all of a sudden. All my blood rushed in my body, making me fully awake in an instant. I get up from sitting on....ehem....him and quickly turned to Dylan with a glare. I knew it! It's him again! Why didn't I remind myself that he used to take my seat when I'm not around yet? I facepalmed myself for my own stupidity and shook my head.

'You're so stupid, Yue' I mentally nagged myself.

I regained myself and returned my glare on him. He wears that grin again which always make my blood boil.

"You!" I pointed at him directly. "You get out of my seat now!" and I hit him with my bare hands. I don't like hurting people physically but this guy always pushes me to do so.

"Awww! Stop it!" He defended himself with his arms covering his oh-so-precious (add sarcasm here) face. "Not until you give me my seat!" I won't really stop until he gets off there. But as hard headed as he is, he didn't even stand up and pulled me on his lap instead. That was so sudden and fast. I didn't even see it coming. I tried to get up but he locked his arms on my waist. I did my best to breakfree but it's getting tighter.

And that's the most disgusting position I have ever been-----sitting on Dylan...Aaaccckkk!

I tilted my head to face him and arched an eyebrow. Damn! He is closer than I thought.

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