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"A gift can symbolize one's thoughtfulness. But a gift can be even more special if it is already the thought itself."

"Yue, have you prepared your tokens for the party tomorrow?" Jiaqi asked over the phone excitedly.
They were talking about the small gifts that they will give to their friends or those who they appreciate or their special ones in the class as part of their sem-end party in one of their subjects.

"...I can't wait to receive something from you!" As Yue's best friend, she was already assuming she'll give her some. Haha.

'What if I wrap Xize and give him as a token to her? She might probably collapse right there and then. She's been ogling at the guy ever since he saved her from some trouble.' Yue thought naughtily.

"Yeah yeah. I hope you also have one for me. You better give me the best you can" was her reply instead.

" much as you are my best friend, I'm afraid that I can only give the best token to my hero" she giggled on the other line which made Yue roll her eyes but laughed along later on.

"You seem to prepare so much for him than for me huh. What will you give him?" She tried to intrigue Jiaqi.

"When I say the best token, I mean it to be myself."

"Ugh. Whatever Jiaqi. You're so cheesy"

"What about you? Have you prepared anything for Dylan?" Her question was full of malice. Knowing Jiaqi.

Ever since Wang He Di aka Dylan became their classmate, he and Yue became buddies for who knows the reason was. They clicked right away though the two always fight over petty things. And Jiaqi has been obsessed on teasing her best friend with the guy. Even some of their classmates were assuming something was going on between them.

"Jiaqi. I won't be giving him anything. So stop it"
She was arguing with herself a while ago whether to give him something or not. But she decided not to at the end. She didn't want anymore issues regarding Dylan. She thought he might not like it too.

"Aww. What a waste. You are buddies, right? You should give him something" the teasing never left Jiaqi's tone.


The ever joyful and hyperactive Wang He Di was leaping across the class room holding something on his hands at his back. He was trying to pass through their classmates who were already giving tokens to each other.

And like a slomo in movies, he approached Yue with a wide smile plastered on his face. He's glowing.

"Hey Shen Yue!" he greeted her with so much energy. It was scandalous enough that she thought the whole class heard him.

She's still not used to him greeting her in school because he's always so extra when he does that.

"Yeah, Wang He Di" she greeted him back.

She was expecting him to stick out his hand and do his morning hiphop handshake with her. But he did not since he has something on his back. She tried to take a peek but he moved to block her view of what he's holding.

She gradually looked up at him and rose an eyebrow in question. But a giddy smile was all that she got from him. He then slowly took out something from behind and both his hands offered it to her.

"Yue.." he called her name so softly and took a deep breath.

" know you're so special to me, right? And as a sign of my appreciation, I would like to give you the world" he said sincerely while trying to give her a small globe on his hands.

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