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Note: This is also quite late for the new year. I am always late. But better late than never. He. He. He.

"Feelings could also be transmitted even without direct words. It's just a matter of how one will reach out to the other."

Yue was on her way to watch the New Year countdown at the plaza wherein a stage was set up  for some performances. It's one of the most awaited events as the organizers really pulled an interesting line up for the show. She agreed to meet up with Mei Yun, one of her close friends to watch together their favorite bands. They should not miss the chance.

And it got her so worked up in excitement.

She was looking forward to the show when she thought someone passed by her sight. It was quite distant but she felt like she saw someone familiar.

In a blink of an eye, that person was already lost in the sea of people. So she didn't bother to look further. She headed to look for a good spot to watch.


"Hey Xiao Mei! I've been waiting on you for ages. What took you so long? The show's about to start" she scolded her friend for being almost late. She thought she's going to watch alone.

Mei Yun walked up to her but something felt weird for Yue.

"Uhhhh..I..I-'m sorry Yue. Something just came up. But don't worry about it" she explained, looking quite troubled.

"You okay?" Yue became suspiscious of this Mei she's talking to. She's always a sunshine whenever they were together. But today's different.

"I...I..." Mei struggled, looking for reasons. Her eyes wandered around as she felt the pressure from Yue's scrutinizing eyes and raised brow.

When she couldn't find a proper thing to say, Mei let out a sigh of defeat.

"I'm trying to be okay" she admitted, looking so down.

"Tell me what happened Mei" worry was all over Yue's face. Every time her friend turns to be like this, she hinted it is for the same old reason.

Mei Yun sighed again, heavily and looked afar. On the empty stage that's starting to light up as the night gets darker.

"I-I really don't know what to do Yue. He c-cheated on me for so many times. hurts every time." She finally opened up.

Yue watched her face half-covered with the dim of the night. She could feel the heaviness that her friend feels.

"I already told you he does not deserve you." She reminded Mei. It's been her routine to tell her this every time the cheating issue comes to surface.

Her boyfriend has been a freaking cheat for who knows how long. It's been a number of times that she already lost count. She bet that it wouldn't account even if she includes her toes in counting.

"But....I know that at the end of the day, I'd still forgive him. I love him too much" This was something that she never understood. Why did Mei let herself be emotionally abused? She's been a slave to her own love for her boyfriend that it scared Yue.

"That certainly is the reason why he is not afraid to cheat. He knows very well that you can't stay mad at him." Yue's been mad at the guy the first time he cheated on her friend. She was never fond of him. She always feel infuriated even at times they thought he has changed.

Mei didn't respond but her face was clearly holding back her tears, biting her lip so hard. She's afraid of breaking down in public.

"Let's get out of here, Mei" she urged to go somewhere else for her to let it all out. But she just received an unwilling head shake from her friend. And she knows she can't persuade Mei Yun if she insisted. Just like the times when she decided to take the guy back in her life, one mistake after another. She was that decided.

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