If I wasn't scared...would I have you?

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If I wasn't scared...would I have you?


"There he is! Go tell him!" My friend Richie said, pushing me forward.

"Richie, no! I can't do it!" I said, my voice all panicky. Well what else would it be if I was supposed to tell my crush that I have a crush on him?!

"Come on! JUST DO IT!" she pushed me again, and I just kept digging in my sneakers. (I would never wear heels!)


"Ugh! Scaredy Cat!"

"The day i tell him, is the day you tell yours!" turning to face her, I saw her skipping, yes skipping, to her crush, Jake Smith, and telling him.

"Hey Jake!" spoke Richie.

"Hey Richie," he said smiling.

"I know it's the last day of school, and we won't see each other until summer is over..."she trails smiling at him, hoping he's getting the hint.

"Yeah, I will miss seeing your crazy electric blue hair," he winked causing her to giggle, yes giggle. OH MY GOD! TELL ME SHE ISN'T GOING TO TELL HIM! I should run. Yep, I nodded to myself. I should run far, far away from this place. Oh but what will that do?! I mentally groan. Richie is just going to break down my door, which she has, and drag me to Adam's house, my crush.

"Listen, Jake. I-"

"Really like you and will you go out with me?"they said at the EXACT same time. Sometimes, I wish my best friend wasn't so outgoing. I sighed and walked away.

Richie's POV(Real name-Richelle)

Oh my gosh! Did he just- no he didn't! But did he just-oh my God! I think he did!

"Yes," I said biting my lower lip slightly.

"Alright. Cool. I'll give you a call later," he said smiling before joining his football friends. My heart was still racing, a smile on my face that no one can remove, euphoria still running high in my blood.

"Tori!"I shouted turning around, to come face with a crowd of my peers, but no Tori. "God dammit!"I muttered and went straight to the library. Checking in her usual spot, I was surprised to find that no one was there. "Tori, you are making this way to difficult." I said under my breath. Where the hell would she be? Her ride home is the bus, and thats not for another 45 minutes! Hmm...in that instant I knew where she was. Of course! I thought, if she didn't want me to find her...then she would be with other people! Not away from them, but WITH them. Now who do I hate... cheerleaders! I walked back to the freshmen halls and saw the group of the overly-short-bright-firetruck-red-uniforms and 5'6 bitches. Behind them I saw a head full of caramel brown hair moving. Ha! Gottcha! I walked past the bitches, who gave me a nasty look.

"Oh don't you walk away from my honey!"I snapped as Tori rounded the corner. "Don't make me tackle you to the ground Tori!"I said running after her. Tori, just stop running so I can yell at you!!! She continued running, so I sped up. In 20 seconds flat I had her pinned face down.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you crazy psycho!"said a voice, I did NOT recognize.

"Oh,"I said looking down, and getting off. "Sorry, thought you were my friend." Walking away I saw through the glass wall, Tori. Sitting on a bench. With Adam.


In formation about the story: uploads will depend on my: mood, and time.

Uploads will come either very fast or super slow

This will be a novella

short chapter book

No clue when it will end.

I may or may not post every week. I'm considering it.

If I have enough views and votes then it's a high possibility.

If I don't uploads may come out slower because not many people read.

If I wasn't scared...would I have you?Where stories live. Discover now