If I wasn't scared...would I have you? Chp 10

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(Still in Richie's POV)

I left go of my shoulder and saw the blood everywhere. All over my hands, all over my clothes, staining it. "Do it quick, please." I said.

Abigail sat down in a stool behind me, with a bottle of alcohol. Shit. This is going to feel like a bitch!"Are you sure you don't want a doctor, Richie?"Abigail asked as I winced at the contact. Yep, that hurt like hell.

"Yeah," I winced, "I'm sure."

"Whatever you say Richie."she said, and continued to dab alcohol on my wound..

"What should we do about Tori?"I asked. "She's going to be shipped off to her aunt's house! With the annoying brats! I can't let that happen Abigail! She's going to be ripped to pieces by those monsters!" Damn, her aunt and uncle got busy, they have a total of 16 children. Way to over populate the planet Tipsy Betsy, and sir skinny-a-lot.

"There are some things we can do, and some we cannot. You helpped Tori. You put her parents into jail, without her help or approval. Plus, if we enter her in medical care, the doctor will contact her aunts and uncles."Dammit! Tipsy Betsy and sir skinny-a-lot aren't the only ones who were busy! With her two other aunts and uncles 8 children on both families. Geeze, don't they know the meaning of too much? "The truth is hard to accept, but you'll get over it."

"Abby...Tori and I are only 15, that is three years way from 18. They will take her away...she may never come back..."I said sadly. Dammit! If that's what is going to happen, what I did was for nothing! No! What I did wasn't for nothing, what I did was right. Tori would've died if I wasn't there. I saved Tori from the life of misery she would have went through.

"Honey, please. Tori may ot be the legal age, but that does not mean she can't live with us! Friends have sleepovers all the time, right? Well...have a three yeared sleepover." Abigail smiled. Hmm...not bad. Her aunts and uncles have already too many children in their care, why don't I take the burden off their hands?

"Thanks Abigail, you're smart."I laughed.

"Mhmm, keep laughing while I apply some alcohol rub." Damn! I was hoping she wouldn't notice. I sighed, well if she did, I'd suffer the consequences: infection.  I bit my lip as she continued. Man, he-do-nothing really cut me deep. He is just lucky I'm not the one torturing him. If I could...I would do it slow, painfully slow.

"Whatever you are thinking," Abigail sighed, "please stop, I don't want to hear it."

"What evil thoughts?"I asked innocently.

"Don't play innocent, you're not good at it as you lie. You, you had that smirk on your face."

"Did I?" I asked. Damn, she knows me too well. "I was just thinking about-"

"Meh-ha-neh!"she glared, "I said I don't want to hear it!"

"Fine, fine."I laughed. "Tsk, ow!"

"Mhmp, keep laughing. Geeze," I pouted. That really hurt. But it was worth it.

Tori's POV

Richie is...crying. Actually crying. I've never seen her cry before, her tears fall down, trailing down her tanish complextion. Down from her green eyes, sharp like jade, her trademark color and stone.


"Tori, how could you be so careless? Weren't you with Adam? Why wasn't he with you!"she continued to raise her voice, still sharp and clear through her tears.

"He wasn't with me anymore. He left when you did." I didn't mean for it to sound bitter and dark, but it was.

"You think he likes me? No, the one he likes is you. Why can't you just tell him? When you tell him, he'll tell you. Why don't you ever want to take that chance! If you weren't scared, you'd have him. Why can't you just do it! Stop being shy and-"

"I can't. Conner likes me."I said.

"You found out?"

"You knew."I said shocked.

"Everyone did."she said quietly.

"Wjhy didn't you tell me?"I demanded.

"Maybe because it's the fact that you are sooo in love with Adam!I don't care who you choose, really Tori I don't. But if the guy you choose is a total asshole, and does something. I won't hold back."

"Why do I even like him, Rich."I said sighing. "All he does is hurt me, over and over again. Calling us just friends."

"You know the answer more than I do," Riochie said, wipping away the tears, that had stopped. "But I like Conner better than Adam. Plus we hardly ever hang out anymore. We never really anyways, just half of the time. Adam ditched us the other times, and came the other half."

"Yeah...you're right."

"So, date Conner!"

"I can't just change who I like just like that."

"And why not?"

"Um, because that's wrong, and that's insane! I liked Adam for 4 years Richie. I can't just stop liking him."

"Well have you ever tried not liking him?! He never came to your house once, even when the police were swarming everywhere. He never came to my house, unlike Conner who is sleeping on my freakin' couch!  Don't you think Conner is the best choice for you? I don't care how many years you have like Adam, try Conner, just try."

Richie doesn;t understand. She just doesn't. I can't like anyone else, I love Adam, I don't even know why at times, I just do. It's so hard to see Conner more than a friends.

"Conner is a 5 Rich. Adam is a...8. I can't jut deduct Adam to a 5 and Conner up a level. My brain just doesn't work like that."

"Oh don't pull that bull on me! I was a freakin' 1 when we met. I put freakin' glue in your hair, and Elmo backpack that you had in kindergarten. And don't for get about the time I gave you a box of worms for Valentine's Day. Only because everyone had to have one. From that 1 I turned into a 10, because I'm like your fucking sister now."

Dang it, she had me there. God I hated Richie back then, but now she's is like my sister. For me I rate my friends and enemies. 1means I don't like him or her, 5 means friend, 10 means sister or brother. 6-9 means that I like a guy like that. Other than that most people are stuck at 1s 2s and 3s. Few people are at 5.

I groaned, "not kinderarten stories again. I hated that grade!"

"You ain't the only one. Don't you remember what I did to Conner?"

Oh yeah! That's right, Conner and Richie went at it twice as much as me and Richie. How the hell did they call it truce?

"I suppose it doesn't matter. We're sophmores now. After the summer is over, we won't be the lowest grade in high school! Think how awesome it will be next year!"

"This is the crappiest summer I have ever had."I groaned, and plopped back down. Everywhere still hurt, why the hell didn't Richie take me to the hospital. I know ASbigail is a trained nurse, but still....

"By the way...you're living with me now, Tipsy Betsy and Sir Skinny-a-lot said it was okay. You don't want to be alone with those monsters do you?"

"No...not really. They are monsters after all. After the last family gathering, I never want to see them again!"I whinned.

"Good, because we're going to live together then go to the same college. Which I have no idea which one, but you will then I'll follow. Duhh." Richie said.

"Haha, sounds good."I agreed.Worst week of summer vacation, ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2011 ⏰

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