If I wasn't scared...would I have you? Chp 2

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Tori's POV

Walking down the hall, then the stairs I was surrounded by people and noise. "Excuse me, sorry, excuse me,"I said pushing through everyone. Suddenly an hand grabbed my arm and separated me and the crowd. "Thank you,"I said looking up at my savior. Adam. I blinked in shock,"A-adam? How did you- what if it wasn't- How?"

"Come on Tori. You think I won't recognize you? We've known each other since primary school!"said Adam as he gave me a smile, not letting go of my arm. I smiled back at him. "Come on, let's go,"he inclined his head outside. I nodded and he started running, dragging me along as I laughed.

"Finally!"he said smiling raising both hands up in the air, "FREEDOM!" I smiled and laughed at him.

"Quit it! You're so weird!"I said playfully slapping his arm.

"Hey! This weirdo is stronger than you are!"he grinned and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Adam don'y you dare!"I said laughing, but in the inside I just want him to hold me and never stop. I want him to love me. Maybe being friends is all we will ever be.

"I will Tori," Adam said and began to spin me around and round.

"Hahaha STOP!"I said between my laughs. "Put me down or I will bite you!" the spins lessen and then finally stopped, but he didn't let go of my waist.

"Hey Tori? Can I ask you something?" Adam started and let go of my waist.

"Yeah , sure,"I said taking a seat on a bench, Adam joining me.

"Well...you see...,"

"Just spit it out Adam,"I said looking at his blue eyes.

"Okay, so there's this...girl. I really like her ,but..."

"But you don't know how."I finished. Why did Adam have to ask me? I have to now put on a smile, a happy smile, not the sad one that I am actually feeling. I now have to pretend that this does not effect me, when it really does. I now have to put on a happy front, when all I want to do is cry. "The easiest way, is to give her one red rose, and say 'will you go out with me,' then hope she says yes."I said having a fake happy smile on my face.

"What if my boys laugh at me?"he asked sighing.

"Fine, just move on with the girl you are crushing on, so you can keep 'your boys' with you,"I concluded.

"That will be difficult."

"Telling her, or getting over her?" Say get over. Say get over. SAY. GET. OVER!!!

"So you're sure that that's the best way?"asked Adam looking at me.

"Well...it will work for me,"I smiled, getting up I smoothed out my shirt, "Whoever she is, I hope you two will be together. I'm sure that she's beautiful, and worth it, to have YOU a baseball, basketball, some football playin' fool to fall in love with." putting on a fake smile I began to walk slowly backwards. "Bye Adam!"I waved.

"Bye,"he said, his voice steady and distatched. Raising one hand then putting it down. He had a sad look in his eyes, that made me worry. He had the look as if he were in deep thought. I turned and walked at a steady pace. When I rounded the corner of the school, I began to sprint. Focus, Tori. Breath in through your nose, not your mouth. Breath. Breath. Breath. Somewhere in my mind, my concentration broke. A began to choke on my own sobs. Why did he ask me! Why?! WHO did he even like?! Why didn't I ask him who it was? WHY?! If I wasn't scared...would I know?

If I wasn't scared...would I have you?Where stories live. Discover now