If I wasn't scared...would I have you? Chp 6

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Adam is kissing me! Those are my first thoughts as his lips touched mine. Then a second later his lips are gone.

"There you go Richie, we kissed. Now what?"said Adam evenly. For some reason I felt angry. Why the hell did he just kiss me! Was it because Richie said so?! Or was he trying to get Richie jealous?! Maybe he likes Richie! Maybe that's why he asked me how to ask a girl out because he knows that I'm best friends with...with...RICHIE!!!

"Now you two will live happily ever after and forever!"she said in a sing-songy high voice, she snorts and adds, "What do you think will happen?! I gotta go, boyfriend and I got a date at Steak and Shake. OH MY GOD THAT RHYMES!" Wait...is that a rhyme? NO IT ISN'T! They just sound a like...

"Hey, I'm gonna go. Talk to you later?"said Adam getting up.

"Yeah, I'll be here,"I said watching him stand. This is now or never, I thought. Just ask him; what did the kiss mean to you? get your answer and see how this plays out. "Adam,"I said grabbing his arm. "What did the kiss mean-"

"Tori,"he said playfully,"it was just a kiss. Nothing more. Don't get all worked up about it." Ouch. That hurt. Right in the heart. Hey Adam, while you're at it shoot an arrow through my heart to get the message crystal clear kay? See Richie. He doesn't like me. Just a kiss. Nothing more. His voice echoed in my head as my hand dropped and he walked away. "See you tomorrow. "

"Yeah. Tomorrow."I replied numbly. Just a kiss. Nothing more, his words repeated in my head. Over and over again. That's the thing with one sided love. They won't love you back. No matter what you do. God, I'm such an idiot to think that he actually likes me like that. I'm such a fool thinking that we could be together. Why was I so...so...stupid! I felt something wet and warm hit my knee, then again, then again. It took me a while to realize that I'm crying. Just a kiss. Nothing more. Just a kiss. Nothing more. Just a kiss. Nothing more. The tears increased and so did the words as the repeated over and over again. Just 5 words can set something off, so fast.

"Tori?"came a voice to my left. I wiped my cheeks and eyes with my hands then looked over. Clearing my throat.

"Hey Connor. What's up?"I said, my voice breaking just slightly.

"Have you been crying?"he asked, sitting down beside me.

"No...yes."I admitted. Gosh this was embarrassing.

"Why?I just saw Adam a while back when I was coming up here to look for Roxi, he looked kinda mad. What happened? Or is it something you don't want to tell me." Roxi, was Conner's long haired chihuahua, that was white and fluffy. Adam looked mad? Why would he be mad? Was it because Richie didn't react at all?

"No, It's okay."I said after a minute of silence. "I-I just hoped. I just wanted..."I took a deep breath willing myself not to cry.

"Tori, it's okay to cry you know that right."said Conner looking at me with concern.

"I-I know that! It's just-I cut myself off, not being able to fight the tears. Tears falling out my eyes as quickly as Niagara Falls.

"Shh, it's okay. Shh, shh, you're going to be fine." Conner wrapped one arm around my shoulders and left them there. He didn't bring me closer to him to cry on. He just let me have a choice.

After my breakdown I told him everything."I-I just don't know what to d-do anymore,"I said, leaning my head on his should, his arm still wrapped around me.

"Things will get better. I promise. Trust me from experience."he said rubbing his hand up and down my arm, in a soothing way.

"Yeah I know, the girl you liked said yes, then the next day she broke up with you through a note her friend gave you."I sighed. People are so cruel.

"Please don't remind me!"he whined, burring his head on the crook of my neck.

"There, there."I said smiling patting his flat hair. "Sooo, where exactly IS Roxi?"

"Crap! ROXIIII!!!!!!!!!!"He screamed, jumping up and cupping his hands over his mouth. "ROX- Oh! There you are girl!" There was Roxi, running, while barking, as she came out of the trees. Roxi, of course, jumped on me, knocking me down onto the grass as she licked my face.

"Hahaha, Roxi! Stop! Stop!"I said between my laughs.

"Alright, come here girl."said Conner, picking her up, giving her a kiss on her head.

"You are such an idiot!"I said, laughing. "Who let's there dog run free in a neighborhood! She might get hit by a car!"

"Don't put that evil on my dog, don't you put that evil on her!"he quoted from a movie, I completely forgot which, but it will come to me.

"Idiot!"I repeated, kicking him lightly.

"Hitting is never the answer!"

"Oh yes it is! It's always the answer!"

"Not if I ask for a piece of gum its not! Or when I ask to use the bathroom. Or when I ask a pretty girl a date!"he rambled.

"I could say no, then kick you, I could say yes and when you walk by I'll kick you, when the girl says yes, I'll give you a congrats kick."I smirked.

"So mean!"he whined.

"Like you're not!"I snorted.

"Okay...you got me there. But just because one time I-"

"LALALALALALA! I'm not listening! I'm not listening!"I screamed at him covering my ears. Ahh, the horror of what he did! Ugh!!! Why am I still friends with this idiot!


"LALALALALA!" I screamed louder.

"AND THERE WAS A PARTY GOING ON-"he shouted still louder than me.



"SHUT UP OR I'LL KILL YOU! LALALALA!"I screamed at him shutting my eyes tightly.




"IDIOT!"I screamed and tackled him, burring his face to the ground. "Eat dirt you jackass!" Stupid, idiotic, flashing me in front of everyone...grr!!!

"I don't like you Tori!"he said through his bathroom.

"Yeah, yeah, keep brushing you teeth."I said flipping through channels.

"That was nasty!"Conner said walking out, in a new plain white tee-shirt. I ruined his other one, and dark wash jeans.

"You deserved it!"I said.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"











"Alright then, it's settled. We're having pepperoni for dinner."

"Yussss,"I said doing a happy dance. Still on the couch.

"Werido."he muttered.

"I heard that!"

"Well you were meant to!"he shouted and dialed the number. Yum, I'm getting pizza tonight!


Team Adam

Team Conner?

Take your pick!!!!

Sooo, who you think she be ending up with now?? ;)

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