If I wasn't scared...would I have you? Chp 4

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The field is a big place. First you see a dead end sign, and two metal bars beside it, but if you keep going you'll see grass that goes up to your waist, but only in the fall. Now the grass is cut, and I can walk easily. The field is in two parts. One part that I am walking on now, flat and wide, and another if you keep going, the hill will start to slope down, then go back up into the next part that goes uphill. This part, had grass up to my ankles and some random flowers I didn't know the name of. Those tiny purple flowers, and white ones. Walking uphill I went into the trees and then between a pine where a tiny place is. It a simple tree stomp, and a tree against it. I sat down, and let some tears escape, why did I have to so scared of rejection? Why can't I just ask him, flat out, who he likes? God, why am I so weak! I raised my hand to my cheeks and brushed away my tears.Looking around, I finally took notice of whats going on. I was in the woods, in the field, on the last day of school! What is wrong with me! I should go celebrate with my best friend at Sonic! Getting up, I brushed the stuff off my butt and walked out of the woods. I ran a little before sliding down the hill half way before I stopped myself with my hands making me appear spy like. One leg in bent, one stretching across, and a hand on the side stopping me. "Adam?"I said shocked. "What are you doing here?" I almost wish that he would say 'to see you' but I knew that would never happen. After all, he likes someone else.

"Needed to be away from annoying people." Adam said wrinkling his nose.

"Like?"I asked getting in a sitting position, as Adam took a seat beside me.

"Like Amber, Kristen, the rest of the cheer squad."

"I thought jocks and cheerleaders got along." I said as I pluck grass out of the earth.

"Well you thought wrong missy. I loathe them."

"Well I do too, and meh, books told me so."I shrug.

"You're such a bookworm,"he said while nudging me.

"Hey! I can't help it! I's like I'm watching a movie in my head but I am reading words not watching with my eyes!"I defended.

"Haha, alright! Chill."he said holding his hands up, I elbowed him playfully and laughed with him. Time, do me a favor and stop please? I really want this moment to last, so slow yourself down kay? Today doesn't have to end so fast!

"It's not nice to shove people,"he said pouting, making him look absolutely adorable.

"Talk for yourself! I never shoved you...til now,"I said shoving him with both my hands. Hey, I am 110, and he's like 170 and I am not that strong. What I didn't expect was Adam to hold onto my waist bringing the both of us tumbling downhill. Soon it all stopped, as Adam hovered over me, "That wasn't very nice,"I said breathlessly, wow was he close. I could feel the warmth he was radiating with, and his hard well defined muscles. He wasn't totally buff, but he wasn't without muscles that's for sure. It's like somewhere between the middle, minus 2.

"I told you so,"he said and gave me a smile before he rolled off on his back. We were still on the second part, somewhere in the middle where its a hill, connected to a bigger hill.

"Do I have any grass in my hair?"I asked, I hope not that would be embarrassing!

"No,"he shook head head, then broke out into a smile letting out a small chuckle.

"Liar!"I said pushing his shoulder slightly.

"No I am not! There's a dandelion in your hair!"he said and plucked the yellow flower out.

"Oh, well whatever."I said rolling my eyes.

"Give me your hand,"he said stretching out his left hand, palm upward.

"Why?"I asked suspiciously. Adam rolled his eyes and took my hand, doing something that requires me not seeing a thing. Then he was done and I took my hands back looking at the dandelion he made into a ring on my left index finger. I raised it up to my face right below my chin and puckered my lips and slightly narrowed my eyes in a playful manner. "How do I look?"

Adam laughed at my expression and said, "Awesome, you look amazing!" he smiled.

"Why thank you!"I said and laughed right along with him. It's been such a long time since we've had a carefree moment like this. Without worries, without pressure. Just playfulness. This moment almost made me forget about the fact that Adam likes another girl, almost. "You know what,"I said smirking.

"What?"Adam asked cautiously. Hehe, this is going to be fun, I thought.

"You need a flower in your hair,"I said and plucked a dandelion out of the ground.

"Nu huh! Just make it into a ring like I did!"

"Nope! Pleaseee lemme do it!"I pouted, giving him 'the eyes'. Personally I never seen myself do it, but they say it's hard to say no.

"Fine,"he grumbled.

"Yay!"I said and tied a flower to his golden blond hair, that's so soft I just want to run my fingers through them.."Aww, you look so cute!"I said and burst out laughing, falling over.

"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about!"he said and bent over tickling me on my belly!

"Hahaha! Stop! Adam! STOP!"I said between my giggles. Oh! My! God! I thought. I'm! Going! To! Die! Laughing! Our faces were so close, and I think Adam realizes too, as he stops tickling me. I stared into his crystal blue eyes and I don't know who started to lean first, but soon out lips were centimeters away. Could this be it? Is he going to kiss me? Adam moved forward and...

If I wasn't scared...would I have you?Where stories live. Discover now