If I wasn't scared...would I have you? Chp 9

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I woke up to a familiar black ceiling. I sat up, resting my head against the cool metal bed frame, tugging at the purple sheets. Midnight blue carpets, white closet door, forest green walls, with black outlines.A curved stairway peaking out beside the closet.

"Richie?"I called out weakly. Everywhere hurt. "Richie?" The thudding of footsteps running up the stairs.

"Tori! You're awake!"smiled Richie, as her head popped up from the stairs, her hair blue, green, and purple.

"Why am I here?"I asked. I remember falling down the stairs and thats it. Screaming, and then nothing. Richie sighed, and climbed up from the floor.

"Well, me and Jake are officially over. We were at Amber's party, and he had too many drinks-"

"Richie, tell me you didn't drink!"I cut.

"No I didn't silly! I need to stay sober so I wouldn't let anything happen, or have any one take advantage of me. I know what to do Tori." I bit my lip, blushing.

"Sorry, keep going."

"So, Jake was drunk and I was arguing with Jade-"

"Oh God-"

"And then Jake was gone. After myargument- that I won of course-" I rolled my eyes at her. "I went to look for Jake who was making out with...AMBER! So naturally I kicked it where it counts, broke up with him, and then went to your house. I heard you and the beastand from the side window, I saw her," Richie stopped there, staring at me. I looked down from her intense gaze.

"Richie..."I spoke softly.

"You could've been killed!"she screamed, I stared down at the sheets, not wanting to look up. "If I wasn't there you could've been killed! She was beating you Tori!"

"I know-"

"Why didn't you call me before you went into that hellhole? I would've been there. Before you-" I looked up at Richie and saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

Richie's POV

"Washed up whore,"I interjected at Jade.

"Wanna bebad ass."she shot back.

"I can't be awannabeif I am. Unlike you wannabe miss popularity." I smirked.

"I can't be a wannabe if I am popular. Unlike you, little miss nobody." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"At least I don't have to pay someone to do allmyhomework."

"That's the best you can come up with? At least people like me,"

"Yeah people like you,"I nodded,"for your fake C-cup boobs."

"These are D's!"

"Sorry, I should've realized the extra padding."

"Y-y-you you!"she stuttered, before stomping her foot and walking away. I laughed, at her and smiled. Stupid snooty-booty. I looked around for Jake, the only reason why I came here in the first place. Where the hell is he? I walked into the living room and found him making out with Amber. That cheating ass. I put on my devilish smile and strutted over. I tapped his shoulder, and said, "Hey Jake! Guess what?"

He stopped kissing Amber and looked at me. "R-r-ichie?!"

"I know who I am, and the thing is,"I leaned close in his face. "We're...done." I kneed him where it counts, and looked at Amber."I really like your hair tonight. How much was it?" She gasped and gave me a dity look. "You can have him. Enjoy your leftovers." I walked and pushed my way through the crowd and out of the house. I sighed, oh well. Jake wasn't all that cute. Damn! It hasn't even been a day yet! I should see how Tori is doing. Adam kissed her, and I wonder if they're together. What if Adam said it meant nothing? What if he doesn't like her like that? Should I tell her that Conner likes her to cheer her up?Oh, what the fuck should I do???!!! I walked up to the door, and heard the shebeast screaming. I ran towards the window and see Tori against the wall, then trying to go upstairs. Uh oh. Tori's blood was onn the wall. This chilled me to my bones, as if I were dunked into freezing ice cold water.

"And where the hell are you going?"she screamed at Tori.

"To me room." Tori answered angrily.





"I AM NOT DRUNK!"she grabs Tori by the hair and down she comes, head first. Sorry Tori, but I'm gonna have to break my promise. I ran up to the door, and kicked it down.

"LET HER GO!"I screamed and tackled the shebeast.

"LET GO OF ME YOU STUPID GIRL!"she roared. Just then he-do-nothing ,a.k.a. the stepdad, grabbed a hold of my shoulders and got me off shebeast. He flung me into the wooden framed glass table and I felt the jolt of pain. I have to save Tori. I reminded myself. I got up, wincing at the pain, and faced them.

"You filthy monsters stay AWAY from Tori. You hear me!"I screamed at them.

"What are you going to do to stop us?"snarled he-do-nothing.

"I will kill you, if I have to." I got into my stance and went at them. I kicked he-do-nothing square in the chest and punched shebeast right on the face. She snapped back faster than he-do-nothing, and punched me in the gut. I clutched my stomach, and glared at her. I kicked her chin, and swung my fist to the side of her face. Shebeast fell onto the floor, glaring at me with hatred. I lifted my fist and went for her face. She flinches, and them smirks,tauntingme.

"What are you smiling at?" I snapped.

Just then a sharp,excruciating painhit my shoulders. I turn my head, and see a knife, deep in me. He-do-nothing, actually DID something. He took the knife out and glared at me. Bringing my hand to my shoulders, I felt the pain, the unbearable pain. I have to save her, I have to save Tori.I kicked the knife out of his hand , and then pinned him down.

"You're not so tough are ya now?" I took the knife and sliced his hand, causing him to scream. I hit a nerve, so his hand is practically paralyzed. I then felt a hard blow on the side of my head. Shebeast attacked me, kicking at my ribcage. I coughed up blood, and she laughed. Thats it, I took the knife and stabbed her foot. I took the knife, and picked up Tori.

"You're not getting away that easily you little wench!"

I ran out of the house, cutting through the Wilson's backyard, down to the Hilton's, and across the Luther's. I reached my house and ran up to my room.

"Abigail!"I screamed. "I need you!" Abigail was my personal maid, she practically raised me. She ran up to my room and saw the blood.

"Oh my Lord."she said.

"Help her. Help Tori."I said, putting Tori down on my bed. I clutched my wound and went to the bathroom getting the first aid kit.

"You're in worser conditions than she is-"

"Abigail! Do as I say!"I screamed. I took out my phone and called 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My name is Richelle Murphy and I'd like to file an attempted murder attack. The two attackers are Mariel and Steve Madison. Uhuh, you got that? Address..."I continued telling her the details, and told her than I am wounded. I told her the stab wounds on the attacks are all defensive. Since I was the one reporting and have the scars and marks, they will be put into custody. I hang up the phone, and walked into the room. "How is she-"

"She's fine. Now it's your turn."Abigail answered.

**SOOO sorry it's been a long time since I uploaded!! But you gotta admit, this is one intense chaper!Posting tomorrow on wither Not Your Average Arranged Marriage. OR the Girl No One See's Til Now! Friday I am posting I Will NOT, Can NOT Fall in LOVE with the Hot/Player/Jerk of a best friend! Along with Vampires Rule. Humans Are Myths. On Saturday. Arent you all excited?!**

If I wasn't scared...would I have you?Where stories live. Discover now