Chapter 9- Watching....

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(just a quick update. I changed the way I write alot so expect changes. That's all I had to say. Enjoy the rest of this Chapter!)

Horror's POV:

Me and the rest of the gang continued watching Lust. Watching him get beat up and watching him get healed (even though we don't know why the other Ink healed him). We were watching him for about....... A month or two trying to find ways to get to him. I started developing a huge crush on him and I couldn't stop looking at him. I just can't believe he was kidnapped! I had sworned that I would kill these guys after we found them. But today I felt something was wrong......... When the guys came over to see what's going on I imeditly got the screen loaded. We were watching and hearing his thoughts."Horror...... Where are you?..... Please....... Come find me already!...... Heh...... I bet they think I'm weak.... They think I can't do anything? Huh? -sigh- guess they are right...." Lust got into a new cell (about two weeks ago) with concrete walls except for the wall with the door and the bars. Lust got up and walked over to one of the walls. " heh..... I want you to feel...... WHAT I FEEL!!!" Lust then began to punch the wall.'WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP!' I know he can't hear me at all. I felt a tentical on my back and a hand on my shoulder . I looked and saw Dust's hand on my shoulder and Nightmare's tentical on my back." hey...... It'll be ok..... We know you feel bad for him..... Look.... Lust will be ok! He has Chara with him! And I bet that Chara has grown into him. Chara will protect him. So stop crying." I didn't even know I was crying.... We looked back and the tentical and hand moved. Lust has stoped hitting the wall. Chara walked towards him. "Lust, can you stop hitting the wall? Please.... I know they are trying to find you." "ARE YOU SURE? IT SEEMS LIKE THEY FORGOT ME! AND YOU LEAVE ME FOR 5 DAYS EVERY WEEK! YOU THINK THAT HELPS ME?! WELL IT DOESN'T! -sigh- I know you are going to leave soon so just go....." Chara looked defeated but a look of sympathy shown and Chara left (probably to check on how we are doing). Lust just sat in the corner crying. A few minutes later the other version of Cross (we now know his name is Xcellence) came to the door.

( just for no confusion this is Lust and this is Xcellence and this is Eraser. Back to the story)

"hey wake up." Lust opened his eyes. He then gave Xcellence a angry glare. "look.... Boss said you need to drink this." Xcellence stated. "i'm not thirsty...." I smiled because Lust was sticking up for himself. "you either drink this or I'll break your neck."Lust then got up and walked to Xcellence. Why was he not scared?"do you know why your 'boss' healed me about a month ago?"
"I will answer your question after you drink this."What was Xcellence planning? He handed the potion to Lust though the bars. Lust paused. All I could think was ' Lust please don't drink it! Don't!'

"what are you waiting for? Don't you want the answer to your question?" Xcellence had a smug tone in his voice. I'll KILL him! 'might as well because no one is coming for me....'. Lust we are coming for you we just don't know when.... Just don't drink the bottle! But Lust nodded and drank the bottle. He then just stared blankly in front of him. I was crying again. I knew it was a potion, I just don't know witch one. I looked back to the screen to see Eraser poping up behind Xcellence.
"good he drank it. Now Lust... Xcellence will teach you how to fight. Follow him, he will take you to the training grounds." Eraser..... That motherfucker! IT WAS A FUCKING CONTROL POTION! FUCK!!! "yes sir." Lust! Don't listen to them! You are not controled!"you will follow Xcellence's orders" I wanted to scream out so loud! "yes sir." LUST IS FUCKING CONTROLED NOW! "good... Xcellence train him." Wait.... What does he mean by "train"?

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