Chapter 15- Broken pictures

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Lust saw the colors go back.

Glitch: so you belive me now?

Lust: yeah..... Sorry 'bout earlier....

Glitch: I-It's Okay okay

Glitch smacked herself on her head to stop the glitching it seemed...

Glitch: okay.

Lust: wow........ Just like your name you glitch?

Glitch: yes.... Ironic I know.

Lust: super ironic..... But funny too!

Glitch: ha ha..... Laugh it off pipsqueak.

Lust: HEY!

Glitch ran off laughing while Lust followed her. Glitch went into a forest that had warning signs. 'DANGER' 'TURN BACK' 'BEAR TRAPS AHEAD' the signs said.

Lust: why the hell would you go in there?! GLITCH ANSWER ME!!


Lust: god dammit Glitch!

Lust went over the fence and chased after Glitch. Lust almost stepped in a bear trap. Lust was shocked, he didn't belive the signs where telling the truth. Lust kept running ignoring the many bear traps on the ground. He saw Glitch running a few meters ahead of him. Finally Glitch stopped letting Lust catch his breath. He has not ran like that in a long time. Glitch walked up to a cabin in the middle of a clearing.

Glitch: heya Lust! Didn't know you could keep up with me.

Lust: how *pant* can you *huff* run so *pant* fast?!

Glitch: eh...... I have ran for a long time, increasing my speed. Well you coming in?

Glitch asked looking at Lust who was holding on to his knees. Lust nodded not wanting to talk anymore. They walked in to see a rather small room.

Glitch: this is the living room...... Not a lot of electronics here because when I start to glitch badly all of the electronics nearby go out.

Lust: I am guessing that you glitch badly a lot?

Glitch: well some days are worst then others.....

Lust started to look on the walls of the cabin. He saw a cracked picture with people he had saw before. Lust stepped closer to it and saw who it was. It was Harly and her family. Her mom was leaning towards the sister, the two yonger siblings were holding each other by the shoulder and Harly was inbetween the younger kids. But the thing that made Lust way more curious was her dad. Her dad was at the other side of the painting looking to the left of the picture frame. He had a business suit on. There were cracks a over the glass but there were no pieces missing.

Lust: hey whats with this picture?

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Lust: hey whats with this picture?

Glitch: oh....... One time when my dad got drunk he ruined that family photo. My dad had a business to attend to before he got fired that exact day. He also started drinking that day........ I just wanted a normal family........

Lust: Hey....... No one is completely normal.......... Just like nothing is perfect.....

Glitch: i know........ -sigh- my dad really was a bad man....

Lust: and you got away from him..... You should be thankful for that........ I didn't know anything before you showed me........ "that"....... But I guess we have the same past.....

Glitch: what do you mean by that?

Lust: well....... My mother was the one who really cared about me....... She would feed me and take care of me...... But my dad was the complete opposite...... He went out to drink every night...... And only came back to asslut me and my mom....... Mom tried to fight back but every time failed..... Soon enough Pap was born...... My mom turned to being just like my dad..... And I had to protect him...... And again..... My mother had another baby....... By then me and Pap's was old enough to take care of him and ourselves...... One night our parents went out....... and never came back...... Then a few years later....... My little bro killed him self.....

Glitch: I tought that your.......

Lust: I didn't lie about that....... I just left out the part with Ashite.....

A little more backstroy for my charater and Lust! I have aslo made a yandere Cross and Glitch's Backstory. Hope you check it out! Bye!

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