Part 15

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I woke up on the sofa to see myself wrapped in a blanket and a pillow underneath.

"What the hell?- Who did this to me?" I asked myself as I stare at the blanket and pillow.

Must be Hyunjin.

But I thought he hates me?

"Get up you sleepyhead, you have to cook me breakfast because you're my ugly wife..." Hyunjin shouted to me from the kitchen.

"W-why should I cook breakfast?! Can't you be a gentleman?-" He cut me off.

"Chivalry is dead, Y/N so cook me breakfast now. If we only have maids here, I can tell them to do it but since they're not here and YOU'RE here, I have no choice..." Hyunjin said as he walks over to me.

"Okay, okay- you asshole..." I mumbled as I get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen.

"What's that?" Hyunjin said as he heard what I said.

"Oh, nothing!" I said to him as I gave him a fake smile and walk over to the kitchen.

I was about to cook when I remembered to ask him something.

"By the way..." I trailed off.

"A-are you the one who put a blanket and a pillow on me?" I asked him from the kitchen.

"Me? Give you pillow and a blanket when you're sleeping? Pffft, never in a million years, I don't remember giving you those, you must had sleepwalk and found a blanket and pillow for yourself..." Hyunjin said to me as he walks away from the kitchen.

I stayed quiet as I started to cook some bacon and eggs for him.

Time Skip >

"Breakfast is now served, your highness..." I lazily said to him as I put the food on top of the dining table.

"What's that?" Hyunjin asked what I cooked for him as he walks down the stairs.

"Bacon and eggs" I said to him.

"I'm sick of bacon and eggs..." Hyunjin said to me.

"That's not my problem anymore, if you don't wanna eat, then don't..." I said sassily to him as I sit down on the chair and started eating when he slam his hands on the table making me startled.

"If I don't like something, it means I want you to change it to something I like, okay?" He said to me as he moves his face closer to mine, our lips almost touching.

I stayed silent as he directly looks at me in the eyes, making me blush.

"O-okay! I'll change it!" I said as I push him away from me and get up from my chair and go straight to the kitchen to cook again.

I can tell that Hyunjin is smirking behind me because he takes control of me, BUT HE DOESN'T!


The prince of Korea, right...

"But I better get money from this..." I said to him as I started cooking some breakfast that HE would like until we heard the doorbell ring.

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