Frank Iero - Imagine

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As I open my eyes I come face to face with my handsome boyfriend Frank, who is sleeping silently. Due to his busy schedule, he has been coming home exhausted, having dinner then going to bed. The cycle repeating the next day, and the one after that.

Finding these moments of quiet, just us enjoying each other's company, were rare but we always looked forward to them.

And now was one of those rare occasions.

I find myself tracing the tattoos on his arms, him murmuring slightly as I do so. Everything about Frank is perfect, his personality, his looks, his height, everything. I am lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend like him, I couldn't wash for anything more.

I get so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Frank had opened his eyes. He smirks "Like what you see?" A large blush rises on my cheeks as he giggles to himself.

I cover my face trying to hide the embarrassment taking over me, but Frank pulls my hands back down. "Don't hide your beautiful face!" I blush even more at this comment. "Tomato," he says, giving a big smile.

"I don't deserve you Frank," I say, pouting slightly. "If anything, I don't deserve you. He says, as he pulls me closer in his arms, eventually falling asleep in his warm embrace.

I enjoyed writing this so I hoped you enjoyed reading! :)

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