Frank Iero - Imagine 2

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This imagine is for Kacey_Rees , I hope it's okay and I hope you all enjoy reading. :)

"What about this one?" I ask. My fingers gingerly tracing over the design inside the book.

Frank looks over, "We are not getting a Harry Potter tattoo Y/N," he sighs, ignoring my current fixation.

"You're no fun!" I say, pouting. A small chuckle escapes his lips as a smile make it's way onto mine.

Frank and I have been married for a while now and he had always spoken about getting matching tattoos, and today I have finally agreed. He has always loved tattoos, his body is covered with them, and every one has a special meaning. The reason I have delayed it this long is because I'm terrified of needles, Frank says that he'll help me through it but I'm still scared.

"Look at this one." Frank says, grabbing my attention. Walking over to him, I stare at the design he had pointed out.

In the book was a photo showing a date on the inside of your ring finger. "We could put the date of our wedding there," Frank suggests.

"I love it!" I squeal, latching myself to Frank's arm. His inked hand covering my own.

"Are you ready?" Frank asks, voice filled with concern.

"I guess," I reply. My previous excitement draining away as I realise what was to come.

"You'll be fine, and I'll be right here next to you." Frank says, lacing our fingers together as if to promise he won't go far.

As I sat in the chair my nerves begin to overwhelm me, though Frank's close proximity allows for the nerves to remain at bay.

"Ready?" The tattoo artist asks, giving me an uncertain look.

I nod my head - knowing my words would betray me in this moment - and squeeze my eyes shut. As soon as the needle touches my skin I wince.

"Hey Y/N, look at me." Frank says. "Just focus on me, you'll be fine, I promise." My bone-crushing grip on his hand seeming not to bother him.

Frank and I spoke about random topics, trying to take my mind off of the needle piercing my skin. Topics like, what we'll have for dinner and if we could get a dog. Within 10 minutes I was done, I get out of the seat as it is Frank's turn. I stare at the date on my finger and smile.

March 22nd

Frank was done soon enough, he paid the man at the counter and returned to me. "See, it wasn't that bad." Frank laughed.

"I know, I don't know why I get so scared." I say, looking down at our interlocked hands. "I love you Frankie."

"I love you too."

Thank you all for reading and sorry for the inconsistency, I'm quite busy at the moment. Once again I hope you enjoyed reading. XD

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