Ray Toro - Imagine

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"Ray, where are we going?" You ask your boyfriend of five years.

Ray comes over and places his arms around your waist and says "It's a surprise! All you need to do is wear something warm." He says and places a kiss on your cheek and skips away.

Ray takes you to the park. You thought it was pretty random, but you just brushed it off. You and Ray sat on the swing-set, just enjoying each other's company. Though, you both realise that the image of two fully-grown adults sitting in the park would seem rather strange to on-lookers and that thought causes you both to burst into laughter.

"Any reason why you have taken me on an adventure to the park?" You ask, still slightly giddy from your previous burst of laughter.

Ray leans across interlaces his fingers with your own, "This is where we went for our first ever date and-" You cut him off.

"Oh yeah! You were so awkward," You giggle, remembering his braces and thick framed glasses, him chuckling in return.

He continues, "-And this is where I am going to ask you to be my wife." He says cooly.

Your eyes go wide as you try to form a cohesive sentence; though being unable with your mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

Ray gets down on one knee and opens a small velvet box which hold a beautiful diamond ring. "Y/n, the past five years with you have been the best time of my life, and I want to spend the rest of it with you. Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Toro?"

You nod, not trusting your mouth to say the right words. Ray slips the ring onto your fingers and spins you around and you both start laughing like maniacs. "I love you so much Ray.

"I love you too. So much!"

I really like this one.
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