Mikey Way - Imagine

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This imagine was requested by Aurora_Way . I'm sorry if it didn't turn out how you wanted it to, I tried my best :)

(Dad!Mikey & Reader)

Finally! Another tiring day of school over, that's one day closer to spring break. Walking through the doors of my home, I hear a loud CRASH coming from the living room.

As I rush towards the source of the sound, I see my sister, Kacey, a shocked expression on her face.

At her feet lay my dad's bass guitar, the headstock separated from the neck, strings flying in every direction. With my dad being the bassist in his band, this would not go down well.

A slam of a door and the quick patter of footsteps broke us out of our trance. Kacey darts across the room, picking up the broken guitar and shoving it into my hands before take a few steps back.

Before I could question why, the door to the room swings open. Our Dad enters and his eyes quickly scans our figures.

"What happened? Is anyone hurt?" The concern present within his face.

Though the concern slowly contorts into irritation as his eyes widening at the sight of the destroyed bass laying in my hands.

"What happened?!" He demands, looking between the two of us.

Before I could say anything, Kacey immediately points to me and says, "It was Y/N! She did it!"

I stare at her in disbelief, "Y/N why would you do that?!" Reprimanded Dad, demanding an explanation.

"I-I didn't" I struggle to get out, still unable to digest the disbelief over the situation. Though I was soon cut off.

"Why are you trying to defend yourself? Stop lying!" Says Kacey with a smirk on her face. Turning to Dad, she says "I heard a loud noise and I saw Y/N hit it over!"

When trying to defend myself, a large hand placed itself on my shoulder. The broken guitar quickly snatched from my grip.

"Y/N, get to your room until I figure out what to do with you." His skeptical gaze staring through me, "I'm really disappointed." Says Dad, with a hint of sadness on his voice.

Giving in, I ran to my room and slam the door. I would never even touch his bass as I know how much it means to him. I couldn't help but let a tear roll down my face.

I hear my door open slightly then close. Above me was Kacey, laughing and smiling. "Are you actually crying? How pathetic!" She cackles "I guess I'm pretty persuasive, I wasn't sure he'd believe me! Who's the favourite child now?" She laughs in my face.

A creak came from behind my door, suddenly it opened revealing Dad, standing with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised.

"Really now?" He asked unimpressed. Kacey just stood there frozen. "Kacey, leave us for a second, I'll deal with you later." She then left, scratching her neck awkwardly.

I sat up straight when my dad sat on my bed, " I'm sorry for believing Kacey, I should have know that it wasn't you."  I smile slightly and wiped my eyes. "To make it up to you, do you want to get some ice cream?" He asked hopefully. Now that was an offer I couldn't say no to.

I hope you enjoyed this imagine, as you can probably tell I'm not that good at ending stories.

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