a wierdo love

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A/N - this contains some swearing and some sensitive subjects please don't hate me. ❤

I sat in the student lounge on the side, writing in my notepad, writing stories for no eyes but my own. I was barely focused on the conversation until one quip from my best friend and crush, made me pay attention to my surroundings,

"It's called necrophilia reggie can you spell it?" I laughed at his response and reggie turned his attention to me,
"You find it funny slut?" He said stalking towards you, you rolled your eyes and slid your notebook into your bag and prepped yourself for a hit.
"Well you whore?" He said raising his hand, much to your shock however jughead stood between you and reggie.

"Back off reggie" he snarled, reggie went to hit jug but archie stopped him and they got into a small fight as jughead took your hand and pulled you out into a corridor. He embraced you in a tight hug as tears threatened to spill from your eyes,
"They are all stupid Y/N, don't listen to what they say. Ok?" He broke the hug and pulled your head up so you were staring into those emerald eyes you found yourself fantasizing about so often. You nodded and clearly satisfied with you answer he wrapped an arm around your waist and dragged you out of the school.

You were sat in Pop's, watching jughead type away, your food remaining untouched, the words of reggie echoing through your mind. You thought back to cheryl and the river vixens calling you fat. Reggie announcing how ugly you are to the school. No one but jughead dared to back you up not even your other friends. No Archie, veronica, Kevin and even betty were remaining impartial and silent in thr midst of your distress.

Jughead had stopped typing and watched you for a moment, clearly lost in thought, he noticed how you hadn't eaten or drunk anything. He sighed how could you believe the things they said are true. He had never seen anyone as beautiful as you. Your sparkling eyes and long curled hair that lay on your emerald top. Your combat boots and knee high socks, and your skater skirt resting on your legs. He loved everything about you and wanted to help you see your beauty. He had noticed how you had little to no interest in your food anymore. He decided he had to take action.

He closed his laptop and moved to your side of  the booth, he elbowed you wakening you from your trance like state.
"Y/N I am not letting you leave until you eat something" he whispered affectionately  "please Y/N" you watched as he pleaded with you. You nodded and took a few fries and ate them slowly. A tear streaked down your face as you thought of all the things that everyone said. Jughead wiped your tears away and held your gaze before saying,
"Y/N you are beautiful"
"Jug you are just saying that" you mumbled breaking eye contact but Jughead wasn't letting it go that easily.

"No Y/N you are amazing, you are gorgeous and friendly. You are kind and trusting, I love the way you always read or write, your little daydreams take over sometimes. I love how you aren't a popularity contest or a plastic barbie doll. I love how somehow you manage to cope with everything that is going on in your crazy life. How you still have your incredible smile in school and how you never give up. I have never met anyone that makes me feel the way you do. I guess what I am trying to say is I'm crazy about you. I am in love with you and it kills me to see you upset. Please Y/N just believe me." He didn't stutter or mumble, he was confident about everything he said and you blushed furiously.
"I love you too Jughead I always have." You returned a small smile on your face as you saw jugheads eyes widen and you didn't hesitate as he leaned in to kiss you.

In the weeks that came after that neither of you made your relationship public but it was like you had your own cheerleader and he had one too. You supported each other even if it was just with sideways glances and gentle squeezes of your hands.

It wasn't until lunch 3 weeks after the kiss you shared in Pop's that your relationship became public. Cheryl approached the table and shoved betty out of her way before turning her aim at you;
"Well well well if it isn't the ugly bitch." She snarled glaring at you. She wasn't done yet though,
"You know I pity you Y/N because you will never get a boyfriend or even a relationship after all who would want to date such an ugly slut."

You lowered your head feeling tears threatening to spill until you felt two hands on your shoulders,
"Actually Cheryl I think you will find she is in a relationship right now, with me. And unless I am very much mistaken, you are single so back off. Because Y/N is amazing and more deserving of love than you will ever be." You smiled as Cheryl huffed and stormed off, everyone round the table looked amazed and bemused.

As soon as jughead sat down they began interrogations as to how long this relationship had been happening, how it started, why we hadn't told them. But it didn't matter to you,  you had Jughead Jones the third and you always would and as you sat at a table in a field in riverdale high you realised you wanted to spend forever with him. He was perfect and in his eyes so were you. He was all you needed always and forever.

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