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"What the hell is your problem Y/n" archie spat, looking at me. I scoffed, thoughts racing through my head just waiting to be let out. I had sat on everything for weeks now, been his good loyal girlfriend just like he wanted but here tonight, on our date night, he had brought Betty and Veronica. Days after i had caught Veronica and him hooking up in the back of my truck.

Just as I had managed to calm myself down and stop the anger rushing out he put his foot in it,

"Is this about those bloody serpents again? Get over it, no one likes those assholes anyway"

I slammed my fists onto the table and Veronica and Betty looked over at me, standing up i let the tears run down my face, I wasn't shouting at him because of our failed relationship but because of everything I had lost trying to please him,

"I was so goddamn loyal to you I betrayed myself, I walked through doors I had locked because you held them opened. I turned my back on myself and sobbed in silence because you needed something. I gave my integrity to you on a silver platter and you threw it aside because it never mattered to you... I never mattered to you. I was someone who you kept around because I nodded and agreed. That's not who I am, not who I want to be. Goddamnit archie I have given you everything but I was never what you wanted, that was always Betty or Veronica."

He glared at me as I spoke, tears fogging my vision but I didnt care, I was right and I knew it. Betty and Veronica knew it. Hell sweets and the other serpents knew it. I was a scapegoat and I had lost a part of myself because of it. I didnt care that pops had fallen silent, or that collected eyes fell on me, I wasn't finished,

"I did everything you wanted archie. But it ain't me. I'm not a stuck up rich kid from the North side. I dont even live there."

Archies face became stricken and I could see the anger in his eyes but I didn't care. It was true and I was proud of who I am. He had taken that away from me and I was taking it back,

"I'm from the southside. I live in the trailers and drink at the wyrm. I patch my friends up after fights and FP has always been a part of my life. So no archie. I'm not sitting quiet anymore, you go be lady lodge's lapdog but we are done, im with the southside,"

Veronica looked appalled and went to speak but Betty put a hand on her arm, a week ago I would have thought it was friendly but now I knew Betty didn't care, she was more scared of the declaration that archie Andrews, leader of the bloody red circle had been dating a "no good southsider". I wiped the tears from my eyes and took a deep breath glancing to the bikes outside and smiling, then to pops who nodded gently to me, he knew what i was doing was difficult but like me he realised I needed to find myself. I belong with the serpents, my friends. I belong with toni slinging drinks behind a bar and jumping off a cliff at the quarry with fangs, I belong arguing in the kitchen of his trailer with FP about not risking my friends lives, I belong training the girls to do the serpent dance despite my insistence that for my initiation I will run the gauntlet. But most importantly, I belong with sweetpea, and I know now I mean as more than a best friend. I could never love archie or anyone as much as I love him. My gaze met archies again, his facial expression had softened slightly and I knew the waves of critisim were about to begin, the emotional manipulation that would make me fall to his power again, but not this time,

"I'm with the serpents. They are my family,"

I took a step closer to him and he smirked slightly, I raised a hand and he leant in as though I was going to caress his cheek as I so often did after our fights but I didnt, I wouldn't ever again sympathise with him, especially not when he was so determined to bring down the southside with mr Lodge, instead i swing my fist and plant a punch on his face. He stumbled back into the booth and I smirked, rage flowing through me, motivated by the message toni had sent me last night, about sweets and fangs. Remembering the fear I had felt that the asshole id aligned myself with had done that to the people who mean the most to me,

Jughead Jones ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now