i will protect you

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2 years, 2 years of this torment, school was a nightmare, it always had been but lately. Since you and the serpents joined riverdale high it had gotten worse. Reggie mantle and Cheryl Blossom would love to torment you and hurt you whenever they felt like it. Jughead's friends had begun to join in as well.

You looked in the mirror at yourself, you stood in ripped jeans and a tight black top, you thought you looked nice, pretty even, that was until the words of the Northsiders flooded back into your head, words like:
Shaking your head and biting back tears you almost ripped off your top and traded it for a t-shirt and baggy hoodie with a southside serpents emblem on the back. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and winced slightly as it brushed the bruises. You were a serpent. You are strong. You are going to suck it the hell up. You thought.

Parking your bike you met your friends Toni, sweetpea and fangs outside of school.
"Hey Y/N, how are you?" They asked you just waved back and mumbled
"Fine" as you all entered the school.
"Morning gang," Jughead said as you all sat in the common room, you offered a small smile at him. But of course he was your boyfriend and he was not satisfied with your reaction. He hopped over the back of the sofa and practically landed on you making sweetpea laugh.
"What's up Y/N?" Jughead asked raising an eyebrow.
"The sky jug" you retorted rolling your eyes trying to be your usual sarcastic self.
"Mkay" he snarked back not believing you in the slightest.

As the bell rang for lunch you began to leave the classroom, only to find your path blocked by the Northsiders. Betty, Veronica, Archie and Cheryl stood in your path glaring down at you.
"So the southsider slut still hasn't slithered home?" Cheryl snarked gaining a laugh from the rest of them.
"We thought you had got the message," said veronica slamming you into the desk, "stay away from jughead, you aren't good for him. He deserves better. He deserves Betty!"
You got up and went to shove past them when Reggie and Archie grabbed you.

"Listen up slut." Betty snarled slapping you as you were held in place feeling helpless, "You do not belong here and Jughead deserves so much better than you. So do everyone a favour and leave." Tears were threatening to spill from your eyes as Archie and Reggie threw you down and they all left the room. You lifted your hoodie to asses the damage,  a little blood flowed through a scrape on your stomach. You were so fed up of this. Bundling up your stuff you put your head down and walked out of school, ignoring your serpent friends and even Jughead as he called after you.

Jughead's POV
"Y/N wait up, where are you going?" I yelled, she didn't respond she just walked away. Me and the serpents all looked at each other very concerned, it's not like Y/N to ditch, the rest of them? Hell yes. But not her, plus we had english next period, me and her are partnered up on a project she wouldn't miss that. Not unless something had happened.
"Guys will you cover for me?" I asked looking at my friends, they nodded and I ran out of school and grabbed my bike riding to Y/N's trailer.

"Y/N?" I asked opening the door, I hear crying in the distance and I followed the sound to her room. I saw her sat, curled in a ball her hair left hanging scraggly around her. She was sobbing and I felt like my heart was bursting. I hurried to her, dropping my bag on the bed and pulled her close to me. We sat in silence for a while until she looked up at me, her face soaked and her eyes glistening with yet more tears.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled looking down at her feet, I looked confused then she answered my unasked question "i am sorry because, I'm just not good enough for you. I am a lowlife. I'm ugly and fat and everyone knows it Jones."

I shook my head and squeezed her more before I turned her back towards the mirror and held her close.
"Y/N, I am about to get very cliche, just for you. Because It may have been said by many guys, to many girls but no-one means it as much as I do."
I pulled her hoodie off and moved her hair out of her face before I began.
"You Y/N, are stunning, are incredibly smart and loving. You are a little ray of sunshine in this town." I began and she shook her head, causing her top to shift slightly. I saw the scratch she had on her stomach. All of a sudden she turned pale and tried to pull her top back down, but it was too late.

"Y/N," I said taking a deep breath, "tell me that someone didn't hurt you." I said taking in her expression and noticing a light bruise on her cheek. She nodded and I shook my head.
"Who?" I growled and she squeaked shaking her head.
"Who Y/N? Who's been hurting you?!"
"Reggie and Archie and betty veronica and Cheryl." She mumbled. I groaned and texted sweetpea, telling him what had been happening. Then i hung my head feeling guilty, my friends had been hearting my girlfriend. She embraced me in a hug and sobbed silently.

"Y/N I love you. I am sorry I let this happen. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you again." I said promising herself and me. I lay us back on her soft bed and rubbed her back slowly. Her quiet sobs soon turned to soft snores. She was asleep, I caressed her face and placed a kiss on her forehead resolving to yell at my ex-friends tomorrow. But right now the most important thing was making sure she felt safe.

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