Reunited Part 1

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The drive in, your place to hang with Jughead when you were younger. You looked upon it now, the rubble and dust left a single wall standing one that read, Jughead woz here. You smiled knowing he hadn't left town, you turned and walked, remembering all the paths and roads of Riverdale as you walked towards the other monument of the town- pop's.

When you were 10 your parent's moved you out of the town to Denver, you missed your best friend Jughead and you grew to miss the town as well. But when you were 15 disaster struck, on a late night out your mother was caught in a car accident and passed away, driven by guilt and sorrow your father ended his life not long afterwards.

Now you were 16 and after long arguments with your aunt and uncle you had moved back to riverdale, and rented a small flat all to yourself, you were starting at riverdale high tomorrow and you were excited to see all your old friends.

As you walked through the town you realised how little everything had changed, the houses and shops were the same. As you walked onto a familiar street you watched Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper have one of there window discussions. You chuckled to yourself and carried on towards your destination.

You had changed a great deal in the 6 years since you had departed Riverdale, not only had you grown taller but you grew your hair out and of course your body had changed too. So had your fashion sense- thank god. Where you used to wear pink dresses and cardigans, you now wore black ripped jeans and leather jackets. You were still introverted and didn't like the social scene.

You entered pop's after taking a deep breath, it was almost empty apart from one booth, with a boy sat typing on his laptop, sipping coffee. That beanie wearing boy you missed so much had hardly changed. You shrugged off your jacket and hung it on the side. Of the booth jughead was sat at. The russle made his eyes snap up to you.

"This seat taken Forsythe?" You smirked as his eyes widened, he scanned your body, his eyes resting on your birthmark on your shoulder, that was just visable beneath your t-shirt. That and the fact you called him his real name made him realise who you were,
"Y/N?!" He chuckled jumping up to give you a hug.

After he had released you he moved his bag to allow you to sit.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" He smiled and hugged you again. You explained and he filled you in on all the stuff that had been happening, jason blossoms death and his dad's promise of going clean. You sat talking until 3 in the morning and you knew, though 6 years had passed, you still had your best friend in Jughead Jones the third. Sure he was a wierdo but we are all a bit weird

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