*Chapter 3

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12 Grimmauld Place, 1995

"Who are you! How did you get in here!"

Teddy's first reaction was to think of ways to kill James, but the idea of strangulation quickly disappeared as his father, Remus Lupin, shoved a wand in his face.

This wasn't how he envisioned meeting his father for the first time. As a kid, he had always imagined what life would have been like if his parents survived. Family outings to the park, his mum reading him bedtime stories and morphing her face to become the characters, and his father holding back tears as he waved his son off on the Hogwarts Express for the first time.

Except he never imagined being on the receiving end of his deceased father's glare, twenty-one long years after his childhood fantasies had shattered. Teddy didn't dare lift his eyes over Remus' shoulder to glance at his mum for the first time. He would just break down if the two people he longed for and considered his heroes both looked at him as if he was Voldemort.

It took all of Teddy's strength to keep his hair from morphing from the fun light blue he kept it as to a fearful stark white. He was an auror- a damn good one at that-, and he knew how to stay calm under pressure, but above all, he was a cousin, and right now, his family needed him to be strong.

"Answer him!" Remus commanded.

Putting on a mask he usually only wore while interrogating dark wizards, Teddy finally looked his father square in the eyes, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't answer that."

If James broke what Teddy thinks he did, then saying the tiniest of information could change everything.

Take a threatening step forward; his father growled, "You either tell me or we will-"

"Remus!" Molly exclaimed, appalled that the usually kind man would act such a way, "They're only children!"

"I'm just being cautious, Molly. How can we know for sure they're children? They managed to get past the charms on the house! For all we know, they could be Death Eaters under a polyjuice potion." Remus argued, his gaze never faltering from Teddy's.

"How dare you! We are not Death Eaters!" Albus bellowed.

Teddy turned and shot him a glare so harsh that he knew better than to open his mouth again. Out of all of his siblings, Albus acted the most like his father. While most would consider being like the Boy-Who-Lived as a good thing, it also meant he was quite temperamental like Harry too. Fortunately, Rose tended to act like her mother. Both of them carrying the responsibility to keep the two Potter's anger in check.

Before the auror could attempt to defuse the situation, everyone's attention turned to the three-year-old sobbing behind a couch. Teddy's heart fell to his stomach. When he didn't pull Benji out of the pile, he had hoped that the toddler managed to escape this mess, and it seemed Davina had been thinking the same thing too, because as soon as she heard her little brother's cry, she glared so hard at James, all the color drained from his face. If anyone knew one thing, it's that you don't mess with Davina's family, especially her baby brother.

The furious witch calmly walked to James' side and whispered in his ear, "Run."

James' eyes bulged in fear, and a shiver ran down his spine, for once not from the pleasure of Davina being so close, "W-why?"

"Because," Davina seethed, her voice low and hard to keep the Order members from hearing, "I want you to be terrified for the last few moments of your life before I kill you!"

That's all it took for James to be consumed with pure terror, and he quickly threw himself behind a laughing Albus. Before Davina could get her hands around his neck to choke him as promised, Teddy stepped in just in time and held her back. Benji seemed to wail even harder seeing his sister so upset, and Victoire tried all she could to calm the tot down.

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