Chapter 9

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Davina's POV

"My name is Tyberius Regulus Black and I am the son of Cole Black and Lena Beauregard."

My mouth dropped open as I stared at Ty. What does he mean he's Lena's son? Ty's been my half brother this whole time? Why didn't he say anything?

I analyzed Ty as if seeing him for the first time. He was practically the spitting image of our father when he was young; dark brown wavy locks that tickled his shoulders, stormy grey clouds that winked in mischief, and the confident aura he possessed in every step and every breath he took. I couldn't see one ounce of Lena in him. Then again, I couldn't see my Mum in him either. 

"You're our son?" Lena whispered as if saying it any louder would make it a lie. Seeing Ty nod his head with a smile on his face, her eyes lit up with so much happiness I swear it was brighter than the stars. 

Lena leapt at Dad, squeezing him in a tight hug, crying tears of joy into his chest. Feeling his arms hadn't moved by his sides, she pulled back and beamed at him, "Cole did you hear that?! We have a son!"

I watched Dad's face, looking no doubt just as confused as I was. He looked at Lena, then at Benji who was snuggled into my right side, before his eyes finally found mine. 

"But...the boy, Benji, y-you said he wasn't Lena's?" Dad stammered. 

Surprised by Dad's response, Lena looked at the little boy with the hair the color of the sun and eyes the color of rain and remembered why she was so heart broken that morning. Benji was no doubt Dad's child but he wasn't hers. 

"He's not." I stated softly, "I'm sorry Lena, but you're not our mother."

Dad clenched his jaw and Lena's joyful eyes were shrouded with tears. I looked at Ty, waiting for him to back me up and explain who Mum was but instead he just kept looking at me with guilt covering his face. 

"Davina," He sighed, "I think you should let me finish."

"What's there to finish Ty? I don't-"

James began rubbing soothing circles on his back as he whispered, "I think you should let him talk V."

Furrowing my brows at James, I looked at my older brother waiting for him to explain what the hell was going on. Seeing my questioning gaze Ty took a deep breath but knew he had so much to answer. 

"You see a year before the war Cole and Lena became engaged but it was only a month later you discovered Lena was pregnant with yours truly. I was an unexpected surprise , but no less a great one, and shortly after finding out you both rushed the wedding." He explained, "I was born a week before the war, making me 21 now."

No one in the room dared to so much as sneeze. Only Benji's soft snores broke the silence of the room. Everyone was too enthralled in what Ty had to say about the future of the girl who exuded nothing but kindness.

 "I don't have that many memories left of you Mum. But everyone I have is so vivid and full of love. How you made me hot chocolate when I was sad, or when you would tickle me until my sides hurt from laughing." Ty said wistfully, "Except, my last memory of you was when I was around five." 

Ty clenched his teeth, either from anger or pain, I couldn't tell, and gritted out, "Dad had called me in from playing in the garden and told me that a death eater had come out of hiding and had used the killing curse on Mum."

"You're what inspired me to become an Auror." He revealed looking at Lena, "I wanted to make sure no one I loved got hurt again."

"Wait, then how is Benji Cole's son?" Grandma Ella piped up. Asking the question for her son who was too busy crying into Lena's arms for forgiveness. 

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