Chapter 13

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June 26, 2019 *Present Day*

George's POV

The soft breeze caressed my cheeks and the light streaming in from the open window beckoned my eyes to open. Sitting up, I looked around confused at the wicker chair sat in the corner of the room and the soft cotton blue sheets pooled around at my waist. I rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes and looked down to my right, expecting the brown curls of my lovely wife to be messily splayed across her pillow but all that remained was messed up sheets and the indent on her pillow.

It wasn't until I heard the muffled chattering and footsteps did I realize I was still at 12 Grimmauld Place. Ginny having offered us all rooms to stay in so we could get to work on getting our kids back bright and early. 

Finally remembering the reason for my stay, I glanced at my watch and noted it was half past ten. I quickly got up and freshened up in the bathroom across the hall before getting dressed and making my way down the creaky old stairs. 

As I neared the bottom the voices began to grow in volume, leading me into the kitchen. Pushing open the door I wasn't surprised to see everyone up before me. Ever since I was a child Fred and I would usually be the last ones to wake up. Having spent the whole night inventing our products and stashing them away from Mum.

What I was surprised to see, however, was the determined and focused faces everyone adorned. The Golden Trio were talking in hushed voices over their morning tea, as Nina, Ginny and Bill continued to scour books no doubt looking for solutions.

Meanwhile Percy, Angelina, and Fleur sat worriedly chatting to one another. Walking over, I kissed Angelina on the cheek and scooped some eggs on to my plate before taking my seat next to her. 

"Why didn't you wake me this morning?" I asked her, as I shoveled my food into my mouth. I had been hoping to get up early in case the children sent a letter back. It had taken three hours for Bill, Nina, Hermione and I to tweak the spell to be able to send objects into the future for the kids' reply. 

"You had a long night." Angelina answered softly, wiping a crumb off my face, "I didn't want to disturb your sleep."

I took another bite of my eggs and swallowed before replying, "How'd I get so lucky to marry you?"

I leaned in to kiss her but Angelina leaned away chuckling, "Well for starters you didn't have food all over your face when you proposed."

"What are you saying?" I teased, with a mischievous glint in my eye. Angelina narrowed her eyes at me, knowing from years of friendship that the look only meant trouble. "Are you saying you wouldn't have married me if I looked like this?"

"Of course I'd marry you," she rolled her eyes, "but I'd put a bag over your head before I'd kiss that leftover egg on your face."

"Come on, you love it!"

I pulled Angelina closer to me by her waist, undeterred by her protests and landed a big smooch on her cheek.

"George!" she squealed but began chuckling as I planted kisses all over her face. "Enough already! I concede I'll kiss my husband!"

Smiling triumphantly, I wiped my face much to her relief, and gave her a proper kiss. Pulling back I smiled wider noticing that at least for a moment I had gotten the worry in her eyes to disappear. 

Turning back towards the table I caught Percy rolling his eyes at me, and Fleur smiling amused. Satisfied I at least got a few people to relax I finished up my food only half listening to the whispered planning on the other end of the table.

I had just washed my food down with pumpkin juice when I overheard Ron say, "When do we go back?"

My head shot up and I realized why everyone was acting so strange this morning. They already had a solution. That's why Angelina was so worried. It even explained why the Golden Trio was huddled together, they were finalizing the plan. 

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