*Chapter 5

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Present-day, 2019


Ty stiffened at his name and immediately began making his way to one of the floos in the Ministry's atrium. He blended into a large group of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad and ducked behind a pillar as they stopped to talk.

Hearing his name passed around in conversation, he peaked out to see if the coast was clear and made a beeline for the exit. With the sound of footsteps getting closer, he picked up the pace, but all hope was lost as a firm hand fell upon his shoulder, keeping him in place.

Turning around, he held back a wince as he was met with the haughty look of his Uncle Percy.

"Enough foolishness Tyberius, I know you heard me calling you from the lifts."

"Sorry, Uncle," Ty grimaced, "I-uh- have a bit of an emergency, and I-"

"Unless I am mistaken, Miss Halloway told me that your shift ended ten minutes ago. Can't another Auror handle it?"

Ty cursed Renata Halloway in his head. He should have known she would sell him out like that. The witch was as conniving as she was beautiful.

"No, you're absolutely correct, Uncle Percy."

"Speaking of, how have Auror duties been treating you, Tyberius?"

Ty's eye twitched at the use of his full name. He always thought it was dreadfully ugly, something he prided himself on not being, and insisted people call him by his much cooler nickname, Ty, or what his ten-year-old self once demanded people call him, Lightning.

Of course, dear Uncle Percy refused to call him by anything but his proper name, even more so now that they work at the Ministry together. According to him, they could not appear unprofessional and familial with each other.

He loved his uncle, honestly, but Percy had a reputation in the family as being quite dull and pretentious. Two things that Ty could not stand. Apparently, his uncle was even worse as a teenager after being made Head Boy during his final year at Hogwarts.

Percy liked to regale the thrilling adventures of his Head Boy duties so much that Ty, Davina, and Teddy made a game of it. Whoever Percy tells the one-hundredth story to gets ten galleons. Currently, Ty and Teddy were tied at ninety-nine stories, and both were very unwilling to win, even with the idea of a prize.

"It's everything I've ever hoped it would be." Ty grinned, thinking about his dream job, "I only wish Teddy was here to today. He's much better than I am at interrogations."

"Ahh, yes, I remember having a partner when I was Head Boy-"

Ty tuned him out and nodded his head as Percy kept talking. Adding a 'yeah' or an 'oh, really' here and there. Suddenly, his uncle clapped him on the back, and he snapped out of plotting ways to go back in time to convince his parents to change his name.

"That's great! Ginny will really appreciate this, Tyberius."

Ty's stomach dropped, wondering what he could have possibly agreed to.

"I'm sure she will appreciate me..."

Percy sighed unimpressed, "Going to check up on your cousins at Harry's."

"Yes! That is exactly what I agreed to do!"

"Just like your father." Percy jeered under his breath, "Your aunt is quite worried James might be too much for Teddy to handle. You will make sure they're alright, won't you?"

"Of course, anything for Aunt Ginny!" Ty exclaimed. She's been his favorite aunt since she taught him her famous bat bogey hex when he was eleven and took him to her Holyhead Harpies matches. "Have no fear, Uncle! Ty is here!"

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