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Summer 2024

"Well, Lena, you got what you wished for back in 1995." Davina chuckled, placing a bouquet of pink and white carnations on her grave, "I'm pregnant, and unfortunately for Dad, it's a Potter."

Davina placed a hand on her flat stomach. She was only two months along, not even showing, but they couldn't wait for their baby.

"Were you this excited when you were pregnant? When Dad found out I was a girl, Uncle George said he cried for three days and begged you to transfigure me into a boy. Thanks for the save, by the way." Davina smiled, cleaning up the weeds so that her mother still had her beautiful view of the meadow.

"I wish you could tell me how you got him to stop crying because I have a feeling I'll need it when James and I find out the gender of our baby. He wants a boy, and I want a girl. I'd ask Mum- er, Nina, for advice, but you're technically the first to know. Congratulations! It's just that Albus and Scorpius' wedding is this afternoon, and we didn't want to steal their spotlight. Not that James won't try anyway. He's the flower boy, and he takes his job very seriously."

As the shadow from the grave finally stretches to Davina's feet, she knows it's time to go, "I have to get ready for the wedding now. I'll see you again soon, Lena. Maybe next time I'll have my little girl with me, and we can laugh at James' misery together."

~ ❈ ~

Rose doesn't know whether to laugh as her idiotic cousin blew a handful of flower petals in a kiss at his wife or cry at the humiliating fact that she's the best woman for the boy she once had a crush on until she discovered he was gay. Turns out he totally had the hots for her cousin, who he is now marrying.

It's a very bizarre day.

Although contrary to what the many gossips may think, Rose was actually very happy for them. When she first found out they started dating, she'll admit it wasn't her finest moment. Her relationship with Albus and Scorpius became a little strained, but once she got over her crush, they all became really good friends. She even helped Albus plan his proposal and supported Scorpius as he came out to his father. Everyone cried when Draco proudly handed his son off to Albus at the alter and told him his mother would be so happy for him.

All too soon, eight-year-old Benji walked down the aisle holding Victoire and Teddy's three-year-old daughter's hand, Inès Andromeda Lupin, as they delivered the rings. The next second history is made as a Malfoy, and a Potter gets married and ends a rivalry all at once.

"It's not fair." James pouts, "Why did an eight-year-old and three-year-old get the more important job?"

"You were the best man, darling."

"I guess," James sighs before kissing his wife's cheek and heading to take wedding pictures.

Davina softly chuckled before taking a seat at the bar and ordering iced tea in a tumbler to make it look like fire whiskey.

"Vina, your dress is stunning!" Dominque gushed as Roxanne dropped into the stool next to her, "I mean, it makes your boobs look phenomenal!"


"Well, it's true." the veela argues, pointing at things one and two, "Those were never that big. Did you stuff them?"

Davina scoffs, "What am I? Thirteen?"

"To be fair, we all did it in third year," Roxy snickers before grabbing Davina's drink, "You mind if I steal this? I've had a rough week at work."

Before Davina can protest, Roxy downs her iced tea in one gulp. She can only watch in horror as her cousin furrows her brows and smacks her tongue a few times in confusion before handing the glass back to her, "This...this isn't fire whiskey."

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