*Chapter 4

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12 Grimmauld Place, 1995

James led Davina past the distraught Cole into the crowded dining room and plopped them down on the bench between Albus and Teddy. Glancing down at the angel next to him, he could see her working up the beginnings of a headache at how hard she was thinking and softly uttered,

"Are you ok, V?"

"Hmm?" Davina distractedly turned her head towards James but kept her gaze on the witch feeding Benji cookies, "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just don't remember hearing about her."

James looked at the girl Lena that Davina was unabashedly staring at and couldn't help but think the same thing too. If she was so close to Uncle Cole and the family, why haven't we heard of her?

"Do you think she became a death eater?" James wondered.

Davina turned the thought over in her head. It would explain why their parents never mentioned Lena or showed them any pictures with her in it, but the idea didn't sit right with her.

"I don't know. I just keep getting this weird vibe off of her." Davina said, finally looking at James confused.

"Like a bad vibe?"

"No. It's more like a vibe you get when you're about to finish a puzzle, but there's one piece missing. You know you saw it in the box, so you keep searching, but every piece you try just doesn't fit."

"English please?" James teased. Davina rolled her eyes at him but, seeing her bite the inside of her cheek, he knew she would answer him anyway.

"Meaning, she seems familiar, but I can't figure out why." She crossed her arms, sulking.

James couldn't help but get sidetracked as he stared at her pouting lips. Thinking about how adorable she looked with her bottom lip jutted out, and her head tilted to the side like it always does when she's thinking.

The raven-haired boy pulled her into his side and tightened his grip around her waist to comfort her. But, if he was being honest, he really just wanted to feel her closer to him. Of course, his pleasure didn't last long as Benji came over and wiggled himself in between him and Davina.

The witch smiled down at the three-year-old boy, fondly running a hand over his blonde waves, picking him up and settling him on her lap as she snuggled back into James' side. A blanket of warmth radiated in the eldest Potter's chest as he felt her lean into him, and he began twirling the tips of her hair before she could move away again.

All of the Order members who had decided the future children were no threat, and to put it bluntly, didn't feel like dealing with another problem, were obliviated as they went home. Leaving Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius and Ella Black, and Molly, Arthur, Charlie and Bill Weasley behind at headquarters to deal with it accordingly.

With so many wizards staying at Grimmauld Place, the kitchen was naturally filled with loud conversations happening all at once, something both the past and future generations were quite used to with their large families. As Cole finally sat down next to Lena, Charlie was the first to break the ice and ask what everyone was wondering, "So, are you all related to Cole?"

"Not all of us. Just Teddy, Davina, Benji, and Ty." Lily piped up cheerfully, a massive grin on her face as she remembered her second eldest cousin who always dotes on her, "Ty was on auror duty which is why he isn't here, but you would all love him!"

All the adults smiled at her cute innocence, but James and Ablus simply rolled their eyes, knowing her sweet attitude was merely a facade to wrap them around her finger. The two brothers knew the hell she was capable of raining down. Even the thought alone made a shiver go down their spine.

"Oh, Merlin! I have more?" Cole cried out, wide-eyed.

"Feeling the love, Dad." Davina teased.

He gave a sheepish sorry smile back as Ginny exclaimed, "Cole? Cole Black? The guy who used a charm to stick Fred and George together, so they became Siamese twins? That Cole Black? He's a Dad!"

Ginny began howling in laughter, and soon everyone from the past joined in. It was hard to believe that one of the most immature people in 1995 managed to raise three children, but what got everyone turning red in hysterics was the unsurprising fact that it was his kids that got stuck in the past.

Cole just crossed his arms and pouted the same exact way the curly-haired witch tucked into James' side does. He scowled when he noticed even his parents and girlfriend were snickering at him.

"Actually, Uncle Cole only has three." Teddy grinned; once everyone had calmed down, "Ty is your eldest. He's my age and also my auror partner. Then you have Davina and Benji. Don't worry, I'm just your cousin."

Teddy did little to calm Cole down. Three wasn't that much of a difference from four, and the only thing to console him was hearing about his son being an Auror.

"Wait, how is he your cousin? I don't have any family who could-" Sirius whipped his head towards Tonks, staring bug-eyed at her, wondering what bloke he was going to have to threaten before they knock up his niece.

"I think we should begin introductions. That will clear everything up." Victoire smiled.

Everyone nodded in agreement, especially the 1995 generation, as they were quite anxious to hear if Cole finally went bald in the future. There was a bet among adults and children that he would one day lose his hair, either from genetics or from a scorned witch hexing him.

However, it seemed everyone, but Remus forgot what alarmed the Order earlier that day. He was no longer suspicious of the children before him. Instead, he was rather curious as to why they yelled the name, James Potter.

His chocolate eyes seemed to fall upon the smirking future raven-haired boy as he made the witch snuggled into him blush. There was no doubt in Remus' mind that he was the boy the future generation scolded. He was almost a carbon copy of his late best friend. The teenager still had apparent differences, like his nose was rounder at the end, and his cheekbones were a tad sharper than his old schoolmate's. But, Remus couldn't help but be hit with nostalgia as he witnessed the boy' muss up his unruly hair and charm the begrudging girl. It was an act he had seen often in his youth, and even years later, he had yet to forget it. If it wasn't for the first war, he would have bet anything to believe that those two teenagers would have been Lily and James Potter.

The two boys he compared in his mind seemed so similar, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps it went beyond coincidence. Maybe, just maybe, the reason they were so alike had to do with genetics.

"Alright, Moony?" Sirius grinned.

Remus looked at his only living best friend's eyes and knew there was no way he could tell him the theory he had raging in his mind. The late James Potter had been more of a brother to Sirius, and on the off chance he was wrong, he didn't want to upset his fellow marauder.

"Just fine, Padfoot."

Sirius wrapped his arm around his friend's neck, and the two quickly began chatting about how good-looking his grandchildren turned out to be. Remus teasing the man about them inheriting his big head.

All jokes and conversations came to an end as everyone's eyes fell upon the blue-haired boy standing up from his seat.

"My name is..."

{Edited 2/18/21}

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