Chapter 12

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Grimmauld Place *1995*

James POV

"Did it work?"

"Did it work? I feel offended!" Sirius scoffed, " Of course it worked! It was incredible! You should've seen the look on Snivellus' face when he realized he had sprouted a lions mane."

Just the idea of Snape walking around with a head of a lion sent me over the edge and I threw my head back laughing. Clutching my stomach to appease the abs I will no doubt have after listening to another one of Sirius' pranks and adventures. 

After dinner we had all travelled back into the living room spending time with each other. In Grandma Molly's words, 'We have to make the best of everything'. So we did.

I sat with Benji and Ty, half tempted to take notes on Sirius' pranks, and the other half amused as  the adult Ty stared in complete adoration at his grandfather. 

Coming down from my laughing fit, I got up to grab a glass of water from the kitchen, smirking as Ty began trying to impress Sirius with one of his stories. Animatedly waving his hands around and accidentally slapping Benji in the face.

I shook my head at him and turned away, passing Teddy and Victoire recounting how they first started dating to their parents with their hands clasped together and love in their eyes.  Their parents looked completely over the moon at their story.

Maybe I should tell Uncle Bill how I caught him snogging his daughter more than once before he knew they were dating. I don't think he'd be too happy then.

I shook my head of the thought, Teddy would murder me and I have yet to marry Vina so I must  survive. I have too much to live for!

Moving past the sickeningly in love couple, I scurried past when next thing I know I'm falling face first towards the ground. 

Play it off cool. Hopefully nobody saw.

Of course my luck failed as I looked up to see Fred(II), Roxy, Fred(I), and George all laughing at my expense. I narrowed my eyes realizing I had tripped over Fred(II)'s foot that stuck out from his spot on the floor by the couch.

Standing up I was about to tease Fred(II) on how my fall wasn't as bad as when he tripped and accidentally pulled down Scorpius' pants but I heard my name and whipped my head around. 

My eyes landed on the gorgeous Vina as she barked out laughing, leaning on Dominique for support. A smile spread across my face as her melodious laugh floated across the room. 

"Whipped." Roxy coughed, snapping me out of my trance.

Turning my head back, I glared at Roxy as she smiled innocently, "I am not."

"Then why are you-"

"-still smiling"

Fred(I) and George sang. I rolled my eyes but smirked wider as I heard Davina say my name in conversation to Ella. 

Mussing up my hair, I strolled over, plopped down next to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder. Giving all the girls a wink in greeting.

"I've been summoned." I smirked.

Davina stiffened at first so I began drawing circles on her arm. After a moment she finally relaxed and I could've sworn she cuddled a tiny bit closer. Taunting me with the feel of her molded perfectly into my side and her coconut shampoo invading my senses. 

Dominique rolled her eyes at me while Lena and Ella glanced at each other smiling, eyeing Davina and I.

"Actually, you're right on time." Vina smirked back, a dangerous teasing glint in her captivating amber eyes. "We were wondering if you could tell us the story of when Dad tried to hex you"

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