*Chapter 6

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12 Grimmauld Place, 1995

Everyone's gaze settled on Ty. No one dared to breathe or to move an inch. As Davina looked around the room unbothered, she couldn't really blame them. His eyes became unreadable, his face went blank, and he exuded such an intimidating aura that if the room weren't tense as it was, the brunette never would have seen McGonagall flinch. The only sign of the goofy Ty was the laughing lines by his eyes, which now seemed out of place on his hardened face. 

Seeing as Ty is her brother, Davina knew better than anyone that behind the auror's smiles and jokes was also a serious side that rarely comes out.  Of course, the reason the witch knew this part of him so well was that she usually did something stupid to make him rebuke her. So, as everyone shivered in their seats, rethinking their last couple moves as if they were a dark wizard in an interrogation, the Hufflepuff sat quite comfortably next to James and Teddy.

"I said, what's going on here?" Ty said lowly.

Davina rolled her eyes as a scoff sounded from across the room. Making eye contact with Sirius, her breath caught in her chest, and she had to pry her eyes away from the same stormy grey eyes she'd seen in a portrait in her dad's study before she could breathe again.

"That's what we wanna know," Sirius replied. 

Knowing everyone else was either too afraid to answer Ty or too nervous to admit their relationship to the people in 1995, Davina sighed, "To keep it short and sweet, someone broke a time-turner and brought us all back to 1995."

"James?" Ty asked.

"Who else?" Albus snorted sarcastically.

"Oi! Fred was there too!" James argued, pointing at the outraged redhead.

"Yeah, but Teddy's the one who let go!" Fred defended.

"I was only there to stop you, dimwits!" Teddy gaped, and forgetting his age; he childishly cried, "Besides, Vina distracted me!"

Davina took a small step behind James as everyone's eyes landed on her accusingly. She knew the raven-haired boy wouldn't let so much as a hex reach her, but just in case, she wasn't against using him as a human shield.

Clearing her throat, Davina began, "How we got here doesn't matter, we're in the past. We might as well move on. We can't change what happened."

"Teddy was just about to start the introductions," Victoire answered for Ty, quickly changing the subject before the blame game continued, "Don't worry, everyone will be obliviated."

Finally, knowing the situation, Ty's Auror mask dropped, and the muscles in his shoulders loosened. A collective sigh sang around the room, seeing the man relax, and he gave the nod towards Teddy to begin.

With a final glance at his fiancé for support, he sighed, "My name is Edward Remus Lupin,"

Teddy's hair changed from his happy light blue to a familiar light brown. Everyone from the past gasped, looking at the ex-professor and back to the metamorphagus. If anyone was skeptical hearing the time-traveler's full name, they weren't anymore. With his bold hair no longer drawing attention away from his features, it was easy to see the similarities between the two men. Teddy looked identical to how his father looked at that age, causing Sirius and Ella to do a double-take. What was even more startling for the past generation to realize was that considering his rare abilities, his mother couldn't be anyone but the clumsy Auror they all adored. 

"I am the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. I was born a month before the Battle of Hogwarts, making me 21. I was in Hufflepuff, like my Mum," Teddy smiled, seeing Tonks light up, "-and I was Headboy before I graduated. I am now an Auror with my cousin and happily engaged to my amazing fianceé Victoire."

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