Fun Facts

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1.) Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but I didn't intend to name Lena Beauregard after a Percy Jackson character, lol.

If I'm being honest, I've never read Percy Jackson and only saw the first movie like three times (I barely even remember the second). Please, no one track me down and kill me for that. I have no hate towards the book. Believe me, my friend raved about it. I just never got around to reading it when it was popular, and then I lost interest. I just simply love the name Lena and thought Beauregard sounded great with it.

2.)Originally, Ty was never supposed to be a character.

I added him in chapter 5 because I realized there was no way to explain how Davina was Lena's daughter if she had no clue that Nina wasn't her birth mom to begin with. Therefore, our goofy mini Cole/Sirius was born.

4.) No, Ty didn't hit on his mother in chapter 5.

He actually recognized her from memories of when he was a child and was genuinely asking if he was in Heaven with his mother. While also subtly implying he thought his mother was an angel...he's a closet mama's boy.

5.) The last thing Cole says to Davina in ch. 18 is what Lena told him when he discovered Sirius would die soon.

6.) I almost made Davina Regulus' secret daughter.

Wayyyy back when I first started this story up, the life-changing revelation that Davina discovered was supposed to be that she was Regulus' daughter, not Sirius' Granddaughter. That's why James comforted her in the kitchen and led to their kiss (*cue aww's*). I didn't do this because that's physically impossible with the timeline unless I made it a marauder time travel fanfic to 1995.

So, instead, I added the truth about Regulus' death because I love his character and his relationship with Sirius always makes me tear up. How they both care for each other but are too divided by their beliefs to be as close as they want to be. I couldn't live with the idea that Sirius never knew the truth about his baby brother, so I had Ty spill the tea. I could honestly write a whole chapter on my take on their relationship, but alas, I'll save you the spiel.

7.) Writing interactions between Hermione and Ron were FRUSTRATING!

I've never really read any of their fanfics (or the actual HP books for that matter- yikes) together, so I've only ever seen them at each other's throats. Therefore, anytime I wrote a scene or dialogue between them as a couple, I was more peeved than if I were pranked by Peeves (yes, I made a horrible pun, but I stand by it) because I could not figure out the life of me what their relationship aspect is. Maybe if I could have gone more in-depth about their relationship, I could figure something out, but with only a brief moment, it was tough.


I was verryyyy tempted to either have Scorpius be with the cousins from the beginning or have him show up with Ty. But I decided against having him in the story because I wanted it to focus more on James' relationship with Davina. If Scorose was a thing, they definitely would have stolen the spotlight. Also, I love Scorbus just as much as Scorose. You'll see ;)

9.) Teddy was almost Davina's older brother, but then I made her a Black.

10.) My favorite scenes to write were:

George and Angelina's cute breakfast scene in ch. 13 (they're probably my second fave couple from the story just for this reason) and all of ch. 16, especially the intro scene with Walburga. I just loved the banter between George and Angelina and putting myself into Walburga's mindset.

11.) I almost made James a complete flirt, not a player, but a flirt with the ladies.

Which is why Davina almost didn't like him. As the story progressed, he was supposed to show a different (more caring) side of him, but I thought it'd be cuter if Davina and James were childhood sweethearts from day 1.

Ok, that's a lie. The truth is that when I went back to make edits, I realized it would take too much effort to make Davina realize her feelings for James as realistic, and tbh I wasn't into the story enough to prolong it (see #12 for why). I may be a lazy author and update suuuppperrr late, but I do take care in my writing. It's why I went back to make edits and finish this story instead of discontinuing or deleting it entirely. So, instead of making a sloppy, slow-burn romance that knowing myself I wouldn't complete, I settled for a more practical, cliche romance to finish the story.

12.) This was supposed to be a short fluff piece.

To all my pre-edit readers, if you couldn't tell from how the first couple of chapters sounded compared to the later ones, I never intended for this to be anything but a lighthearted story. I originally planned for it to be no more than 10 chapters that were short and written half-assed (which looking back, I regret doing because it makes me cringe at how childish and sloppy it sounded...not to mention how insulting it is to my respect for writing). That was until I returned from my nearly year-long hiatus, wrote my author's note, reread the story, got inspired all over again, and edited the shit out of it (I still have more to do). It was just supposed to be a few chapters with cute familial scenes, buuut instead, I got a tad too deep, very melodramatic, and honestly a little depressing with the storylines.

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