Chapter 16

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*Now I usually don't like randomly switching to the third person after writing in first person pov throughout the whole story, but I can't seem to figure out how to write these next two chapters in any other way, so bear with me lol*

Third person POV

There was something in the air at 12 Grimmauld Place that didn't sit well with Walburga Black as she glared viciously at the curtain covering half her portrait. Perhaps it was the fact that the once noble house of Black was now home to blood traitors, half-bloods, mudbloods, and half-breeds, or maybe it was the fact her once-loyal house to the Dark Lord was now being used to conspire against him, offered to the use of the rebellion from her disgrace of a son, but for some reason, today seemed tenser than the previous summer days.

It was quiet.

Before, when Walburga herself ran the household, she vied for the home to be tranquil, only the soft murmurings of Pureblood scandals, regaling of school achievements, and praising of the eradication of muggle-borns and muggles alike to be heard within her walls. Even with the rebellious 'tantrums', Sirius would childishly howl, 12 Grimmauld Place was a place of cold, un-feeling, regal silence.

However, after being subjected to many months of unwillingly watching the traitorous Weasley clan defile the dignified air she had painstakingly built, with their wretched pranks and boisterous children, she couldn't help but glare at the sudden silence that seemed to have enveloped her home.

Hearing the creaking of the stairs Kreacher had failed to maintain, Walburga craned her neck to peek out the uncovered half of her portrait in an attempt to figure out what mayhem the unwelcome guests were doing to her home. Except, she wasn't prepared to see the half-blood Hufflepuff girl, Lena, escorting what she thought appeared to be an older version of her disowned grandchild, Cole, into the Black family tapestry room.

Yes, there was something in the air at 12 Grimmauld Place, and as Walburga Black glared out of her half uncovered portrait, she decided it was best if she didn't know what it was.

~ ❈ ~

Lena released Cole's hand and quietly shut the door behind them, casting the muffliato charm on the room to make sure no one could eavesdrop on them. As she turned back around, her breath caught in her throat as she saw Cole staring at her dress. It was only when she looked down at the hem of her soft pink dress did the Hufflepuff realize that it was the same one that she had worn on their first date, even the faded chocolate stain on her right sleeve remained. To her, it seemed to have just happened yesterday, but to Cole, it had felt like a lifetime ago.

As Lena looked back up at Cole, she couldn't help but think he had aged well. He carried himself with an air of confidence, instead of arrogance. His wild, long, brown hair that she loved to twirl her fingers in was cut short and swooped back, with only a single strand of hair fallen in front of his left eye. She liked his hair like that, she could see his face better that way, but a grin broke out onto Lena's face as she happily noted that the one thing that had remained the same on Cole's face after all his years were the large laugh lines sitting on the corner of his eyes.

"You got old." Lena quipped, drawing a barking laugh out of his mouth.

Cole smiled fondly at her, "Yet, I'm still devilishly handsome."

"Still arrogant too." Lena smiled wryly, "Well, it's nice to know not everything will change in the future."

The smile on Cole's face slowly dropped at Lena's words. He didn't want to think about the future, about how he failed her. Part of him just wanted to pretend he really was eighteen again, talking to his best friend at an Order of the Phoenix meeting.

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