Chapter #7

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Author's Note: Welcome back, b*tches. Wow, Tiger has decided to never write that again. It is time to continue this story. It is time to appease Journey because Tiger is terrible at updating. It is time to get more reads, and hopefully add some people who will systematically read our stories. Please read our stories. Welcome back to ... Not gonna write the title. Everyone know that it's too long. Enjoy the butt kicking.

A/N: OMGGGGGGG I CANT BELIVE THE LUV I GET ON THIS STORYYYYY plz make sure to ad to libray and stuf!!! Luv u ALLL THX SO MUCH Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

After creating hell on earth for the warriors, teenagers, and parents of the pack, the twins and I strut outside onto the field and just stand there waiting. I kiss Brandon as we stand there. Annie is looking up at the twins and they start giggling and making smooching faces at each other so we stop.
Our warriors are used to the racket, so they gather outside in about three minutes, workout clothes and everything. But it takes over an hour for everyone else to get there. Of course the fake bitches are last. Stephanie is wearing bright pink lingerie instead of work out gear, and in her hand is a little slab of toast covered in less than a pinch of cinnamon. Katlyn is strutting next to her in fishnets and a belt. That's about it. Or, I guess she does have a piece of thread covering her breasts and stuff, but it's not much. What the fuck. Brandon turns and looks at me in horror. Here's the thing: I have very simple rules to follow.
1. Don't piss me off
2. If you piss me off, beg for forgiveness
3. If you don't, you better run
4. I catch you, and I rip out your lungs and stuff them up your ass.
That last one wasn't a rule, but you get the point. After each rule my anger progresses to the point of a nuclear explosion. The fact that these girls not only GOT BREAKFAST, SHOWED UP AN HOUR LATE, and also AREN'T WEARING WORKOUT CLOTHES (Author's Note: Not to mention long train of abuse to be honest) is making my hair stand on end. Brandon and everyone else backs off a little bit. The warriors look slightly scared, but they stand their ground. With a glare to Stephanie and Katlyn, I address all of the wolves that are there, including Slayde and Xander.
"Since you guys decided to show up late, and directly disobey orders, we're going to quintuple the normal workout. This is YOUR fault and if you're going to complain, blame Stephanie and Katlyn."
Everyone started groaning, excluding my pack mates, of course, and I uttered a growl so loud that some of the mourning doves flew out of the trees nearby.
"One hundred laps following the pack boundary, yes that is sixty miles every time but deal with it, than sixty pushups! Once you're done with that, two hundred pushups! And do all of this in HUMAN FORM, people!"
Stephanie and Katlyn looked pale, but Stephanie still got up the bitchiness to speak.
"What are you gonna do, watch us?!" She said with a nasally voice. I forgot how much I hated her. I give her a small smirk.
"Honey, you can try to keep up with me," I start before glancing around at the pack and continuing with a baby voice "but you can bet that I'll beat you a thousand times faster than you, and I'll do it with my clothes ON."
All of my pack mates said in unison "BURRNNN" and she scoffed as I made a cool pose with the rest of my pack. Annie giggled a bit, and Xander looked infuriated until I grabbed her and pulled her with me as we started running.
Despite being so small, Annie's years as an omega, wherein she began photosynthesis, really helped strengthen her young body (Author's Note: for some fucking reason). I soon take off and leave her behind with Brandon. I finish everything within ten minutes then start doing sit ups and pushups. I'm done within thirty minutes, and Annie and Brandon, along with the twins and warriors, finish within 50 minutes. Meanwhile, the other pack is still running. Oh man, this is going to be boring. We stand and wait until everyone finally gets back. Stephanie and Katlyn are the very last wolves and they collapse. I give a victorious smirk before clapping my hands and startling all of the wolves besides my pack mates.
"TIME FOR BREAKFAST! Get back here by noon or you will have to run for the rest of the time. Also, you guys are REALLLY out of shape, so we'll be doing this from now on."
All of the wolves groaned and then went to the pack cafeteria. I smirked and then sat down with my pack to eat lunch. Annie started studying a ladybug, her eyes shining with curiosity. I give a small smile and twirl her hair between my fingers.
It's been four fucking hours and no one has come out of the breakfast building. I'm suspecting foul play. I storm into the cafeteria, and sure enough everyone's just sitting there. The room goes silent when I enter, so I feel free to march up to Xander and Slayde's table, obviously in the center. Stephanie and Katlyn are both sitting on their laps and laughing in really high pitched voices that hurt my ears.

What the hell do Xander and Slayde see in them?
I think a pair of legs.
Fair enough, fair enough.

I stop talking with Yvonne in order to yell at the two supposed alphas.
"What part of 'till noon' do you NOT understand?!? Mother fuckers, get your asses outside!"
Everyone groans before plodding out. I strut to the field, but I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my back. Stephanie threw her fucking high heels at me. Uh, no, she did NOT.
I turn to her, in her full mostly naked glory, and give her the best glare I can offer. She shrinks back but then stands tall and says
"Why the hell are you in charge, BITCH?! MY MATE is the ALPHA of this pack and you are trying to run this show? Hell no!" I give her a little smirk, but inside I'm burning with pure loathing.
"Honey, back off or you'll get hurt."
I take a deep breath before I growl out
"So you wanna fight then? Alright, you, me, human form. No foul play."
Stephanie looks a bit taken aback and turns to run but sees that the entire pack is watching her and she's one of the Lunas so she can't go now. I smirk as she looks at me terrorfied. Then she charges at me. She tries scratching me with her manicured nails but I easily dodge them and walk away from her. Screaming in fury, she charges me, but I dodge and grab her arm before throwing her over my back. She lands with an thud in the dirt. I turn to walk away but suddenly I'm pinned by her puny, weak wolf. Hey, not fair play. I flip her off me but she comes back and manages to scratch my hand. Fucking bitch. I allow my eyes to start burning orange and yellow, and I stare straight at her. She starts whimpering and collapses in a puddle. Deserved.
I turn back to the rest of the pack. Xander and Slayde are looking at me with lust again, but I ignore them. I strut over to Brandon before addressing the pack
"Pair up, we're fighting for the rest of the afternoon!"
-Three hours later-
Training finished well. I walked off with Brandon because I knew Xander and Slayde wanted to talk to me. Or feel me up. Either one.
I pull on my black, flowing dress and high heels before putting on cat eyes. I do my eyebrows so that they look sharp then look at myself in the mirror. I look hot. I do up my hair in a messy bun and then put on black pumps before strutting out of the bathroom. Brandon whistles and I smirk. Brandon looks really hot in a black suit with a silver bow tie. We dressed up An (that's what I'm calling her now) in a cute baby blue dress that complements her eyes and silver flats. In her hair, we put a large purple flower. I smile. She looks really beautiful, and I'm not going to let my old pack hurt her ever again. Then I smirk as I walk through the door.
Tonight, we have the big pack dinner, and I'm going to announce who I am. I give a grin as I push open the doors to the meeting hall, feeling all of the eyes turn to me and my boyfriend.

Author's Note: High school is a bitch. Updating is even more of a bitch. Tiger apologizes sincerely for not updating, and hopes that you will continue reading. Please comment below what you'd like to happen next. Fight us haters. Our egos are steel.

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