Chapter 5

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"So...Why did you not tell us that you had a reputation with the foot?" Donnie asked after I told everything I knew about shredder.

"You didn't ask. All you asked was 'do you work with the foot' 'do you work with the purple dragons' and 'do you like pizza'. Nothing about my past." I said as we walked away from the lab. We walked down to the 'shell-raiser' so they call it.

When we got to the subway tunnel I saw a subway car with some weird graffiti on it. I looked at Donnie and said "what are you doing with a old subway car?" "It runs like its a new monster truck! Cool right?" Donnie said with big smile. "Well it looks cool. But dose it really work? From what it looks like to me it broke down in the 19 hundreds." I said as I walked towards it.

"Ok. Two things." Donnie said "1: if you want I can take you for a ride. 2: how do you know that?"

"My dad worked on cars, I know my stuff. And I'd love a ride." I said with a smile. "Cool. Leo said that it was making weird sounds when it runs so I was planning to take her for a spin anyway. Come on." He said as he opened a door.

We walked into the shell raiser and boy did it look cool. "Donnie you out did yourself!"

"Thanks. The guys had the same look that you have right now." Donnie said as he walked to wheel. He started it up.

"You look out though those screens?" I asked as I looked at a tv at what looks like the weapon station. "Yeah. You learn fast. You must be good in school." Donnie said as he drives down the sewer "no... Not really."

"Really? Why? You know a lot!" Donnie said. Then he stopped and said "hey there's a leaver in the back. Can you pull it?"

"Why?" I asked as I looked at a red leaver by the seat in the back. "It's to open a wall to allow us to the service." Donnie reassures me. I pull the leaver and look out the screen in front and see the wall lift up. "Holy crap! That's awesome!" I say as I sit down.

"Thanks." Donnie said as he smiles -showing the cute gap in his teeth- "anyway, why don't you do well in school?"

I sigh and say "I'm to scared."

"Why?" Donnie said as his smile disappears. "I'm scared of the kids. I only had 3 friends that stayed in my life. Everyone wishes I was dead." I say as I look down at my feet. I feel a tear fall down my face. I quickly wipe it off to try to hide my sadness. "I'm sorry. I must of hit a painful topic."

"Yeah... But I'm fine. You didn't know. And to a friend like you, I don't mind." I say as I look at Donnie. I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

"So... About April." I say and his eyes grow big. "W-what about her?" Donnie said trying to hide him blushing. "A little turtle told me you like her." I say trying to not laugh.

"Did Mikey tell you?"

"Who else would try to bust your chops?" I say sarcastically. "Ugh! That turtle really like embarrassing me." Donnie said as he banged his fist agents his leg. "Calm down. I think it's cute. Cheesy; but cute." I say trying to keep him calm. "Really?" Donnie said as he looks up at me. "Adorable. To me it looks like you too would be cute together." I say with a small chuckle.

After talking for about 10 more minutes he brought us back to the lair. "Ok. It sounds like the mufflers out. To bad I don't have a new one." He says as he looks at the bottom of the subway car

"How about me and April get one for you?" I say as I see April enter the lair with pizza. "I would like that. Thanks." Donnie says as he get out from under the car.

"No problem." I say.

I walk to April and asked if she wanted to walk to the hardware store. She said that she would and we walked to the surface. When we got out of the sewers we put the manhole back in place. "How can you lift that?" I ask April. "Pure strength." April says.

"I knew that."

"Right..." April said.

We walk down the street and we see girls and heard them talking over Ariana Grande top hit "problem" with Iggy Iggs. "Wow..." I say as we walk by. "I don't see why she's a bigger thing then rock n' roll?"

"Ehh. I thinks she pretty good." April said. "She's a good actor I got to give her that." I say giving her the benefit of the doubt. "I know right. I love Cat from Victorious." April said.

"And don't forget Sam and Cat." I say.

"I wonder why they were canceled?" April said frowning "I heard Ariana got cancer." I said as we enter the store. "Really? Ouch..." April said.

We walk to the casher and ask where the mufflers were. He said they were in row 9.

"I heard she had sex with JB." April said as we walked down to where the mufflers were.

"Eww... Who would want that?" I said as I grabbed the muffler we need. We look down the row and saw a girl raising her hand. "I wouldn't mind that." She said with a smile. "Ok? Ummm... Nice to know?" April said as we walked back down to the casher.

"I'm Justin's biggest fan!" The girl said following us. "Ummm... Cool... We got to go." I say reaching for some pepper-spray in my pocket. "What's your fav JB song?" The girl said getting in are faces. "Ummm... We're not really fans of him." April said paying the guy for the muffler. "How DARE you say that about my baby!" The girl said getting mad.

"Were just don't like his music. Calm down." I said bringing my pepper-spray. "I'm a 1D kinda girl." April said getting a fan with metal on the top. "Yeah, and I'm a heavy metal/rock n' roll kinda girl." I say. "JB is better then those put together." The girl said.

"Ok... We need to go." April said. "You ain't moving until you say JB is awesome and mean it!" The girl said.

I pull my pepper-spray out and spray that freak in the face. "Your nuttier then a squirrels lunch box!" April said as we're running down the street.

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