Chapter 7

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I'm in a small room. Tied down to a chair. I can tell its in the 18 hundreds because I'm in a dress that a young lady would me wearing in that time. I look around seeing a man by a leaver with high numbers. "Ok Bethany. Let's see how 100 vaults will do you any good." The man said. Then all of the sudden I feel shocks and burns all down my body. I scream in pain as the shocks go into my fingers and toes.

"Wow, now there's a reaction. Let's try 200 vaults." The man said. "NO! I'm fine.... I'm fine." I say begging him to stop. Then all of the sudden he pulls the leaver to hard and 10000 vaults of electricity goes into my body.


I scream as I sat up. I look around to see that I'm in the main room of the turtles lair.

"God, what's with all the screaming." Raph says as he walks out of his room with a small turtle. "I'm sorry. I just had a night mare. That's all." I said as I look at him. I feel a tear fall and I wipe it off.

"So you have a turtle of your own?" I say trying to get off the subject of my night mare. "Yeah, so?" He said as he rubbed his eyes. "Oh... Just asking." I said blushing. "Ok. Well I'm going back to bed." He said as he walked back to his room.

"Good night." I said. "Yeah whatever." He said as he slammed the door behind him. I pull my phone out of my bag and see that it's 5:00 in the morning. I lay back down and think 'why do I always have these nightmare in the 1800?'.

As I fall back into a light slumber a hear some noise come from the dojo. I put my bare feet on the cold floor and walk to the dojo to see Leo punching a old bag of flower. He turns around and said "hey. Why are you up so early?"

"Nightmare. It's nothing." I say shrugged as I walk to the tree in the middle of the room. "I know what your talking about. I have bad nightmares that wake my up early to. That's why I train like this."

"Really what are they about?" I ask. Leo stops and said "I've been having these dreams about losing my brothers ever seance I've been leading this team. What are your dreams about?" I tell him about the old hospital and the shock therapy. His eyes grow big and said "that sounds bad."

"Believe me. It is." I say.

"Want to help me train?" He said as he tosses me a wooden sword. "I got nothing better to do. Why not." I say as I pick up the sword. "Bring it Lame-O-Nardo." I say teasingly.

"Ok newbie." He says.

We both charge and are swords clash. I kicked his leg and he lost his balance. I stepped on his shell to try to keep him down but he pushed me off and jumped to his feet.

"Good strategy." I say as I get up to my feet. "Thanks" Leo says and he charges. I flip over him in kick him in the shell. "But I'm better." I say when I land. "Don't get a big head Beth." Leo says as he gets up.

"I never do." I charge and try to hit his shell but he doge and pins me to the tree. "Check mate." He says as he holds the wooden sword to my neck.

"Ok, ok I had a medium head there." I say jokingly. "You think." Leo said as he withdraws his sword.

"I'm more of a tessen type gal anyway." I say. "I think master splinter has a spare one." Leo says helping me up. "Hallelujah." I say with a smile.

We walk out of the dojo out of breath. I see Mikey and Donnie on the sofa watching tv. "Are you guys hungry?" I ask. "A little." Donnie says looking at me. "Do you want me to make you guys something to eat?" I ask. They nodded and I walked to the kitchen.

I grab a skillet and start frying eggs. I put bread in the toaster and start dicing some melon. I grab some plates on the island and put the eggs on them. I look for bacon and start frying it. The toast pops up and I put all five on each plate. When the bacon was done I put it in the middle of the table, same with the diced melon. I poor orange juice for everyone and put them by the plates.

As I was washing the skillet everyone (including splinter) walked in. "Wow! I haven't had a meal like this sense my wife past away, This looks amazing." Splinter says as he smiles softly. "Thank you Mister Halmato. It's the least I could do after you guys took me in for the night." I say. Splinter smiles and says "please just call me splinter. But thank you for the respect."

"Yes Master Splinter." I say as I bow respectfully.

"Aren't you hungry?" Leo says as he sits by his plate. I take a piece of bacon and say "not really. I don't eat much in the morning." I take a bite of bacon and continue washing the skillet.

*Mikey's POV*

I sit down and just look at the wonderful meal Beth made. It looked better then pizza, and I don't think that often.

I take a bite of the bacon and it was SO GOOD! "This is really good Bethany." I say with my mouth full of the sweet meat.

"Thanks Mikey." Beth said with a smile. She puts the pan she used to cook in the dish washer and washes her hands.

When we finish the meal we put the dishes in the sink and walk to the dojo for morning training. We see April already in there with Beth training. "Oh!" Leo says. "Master Splinter, Beth helped me train this morning and she said that her weapon of choice was the tessen. Do you have a spare?"

"If you don't it's perfectly fine Master Splinter." Beth said. "Bethany, I have a tessen you could use." Splinter said and he walked into his bed room. A couple minutes later he walks in holding a pink tessen with a flower design on it.

Beth walks over and just stares at the weapon. "Master splinter. It's beautiful. Thank you." She says as splinter places it in her hands. "You are welcome Bethany." Splinter says.

They both bow like to people would do in japan.

"Now." Splinter says as he walks to the tree. "We train. Let's begin."

"Hai sensei." We all say as we walk in front of him.

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