Chapter 8

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I sit next to April. She nudges me and says "splinters a tuff teacher. Your sure your up to this?"

"It can't be that bad." I said. "Not a word girls." Splinter says as he slammed his staff agents the floor. "Word." I said.

He turned around and saw me with a mocking smile. The others were either holding in there laughter of thinking what the hell was I doing. Well the answer to that was 'I'm trying to get a challenge god dame it.' "Do you think this is funny Bethany?" Splinter asked stroking his little bunch of hair under his chin.

"To be honest, yeah. A little bit." I said. "Well how about you fight my sons without your tessen. Is that funny?" He said as he took my tessen away. "I can beat you sons any day." I said. "Ok." Master splinter said.

We got into position. The boys got there weapons out. "Hagame!" Splinter said and they all were ready to fight there own way.

I look at Mikey and he swung his nunchucks around like a mad man. He ran at me and I jumped over him and grabbed the back of his shell. I used him as a human shelled with Leo. I knew he didn't want to hurt his little brother. I heard someone start running at me and I kicked back and I hit Donnie under the chin. I rammed Mikey into Leo. I looked behind me and saw Raph in the tree. He looked like he was about to jump. As he was airborne I grabbed Leo's sword.

Loop hole: master said without my tessen not Leo sword.

Are weapons clash. He uses his other sia to try to stab me. "Nice try cutie." I say try to provoke him. "Cutie?" He says as he paused. I run and slam him into the tree. All of the sudden he flips the tables and slams me into the tree. "Give up?" He says as he gives me a half smile.

I think: don't give up. What to do to get out of this position. Then it hits me. "One thing." I say.

"Yeah." Raph says.

"You want to know my favorite story?" I ask. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy. As he just stares I slam my face into his and puts him into a short shock. Then I kick him in the nuts to release me. "Princess and the turtle." I say as I walk away.

Every one but splinter looks at me with amazement. Mostly Raph. "That was uncalled for." Leo said. "So was your crush on Kriai. But did that stop you? Nope." I said as I smiled. Everyone cracked up except for Leo. "That's. True." Leo thinks for a minute and says "wait who told you that?"

"A little green and orange birdie told me last night." I say pointing at Mikey.

"MIKEY!" Leo said as he ran after his little brother.

After training we went to the living room. I took my pills and looked at my phone. 'Mom: 1 call missed' It read on the lock screen covering me and my friend Britttinys faces.

It said that my mom recorded a message and I played it. "Hey Beth." My mom started in a slightly scared sounding voice. " I found a hotel we could stay in. Meet me at Husten road at 10:00 am. It's important that you come alone. Ok? Ok. Love you. Bye." Then the message ended.

I walk to Donnie and asked him if there's a hotel near Husten road. "No. Sorry Beth. Why do you ask?"

"My mom left a strange message on my phone that said to meet her in about a half hour from now. Alone." I say looking at the clock on my phone. "My mother sounded scared."

"How could you tell?" Leo asked as he walked past us with a little left over bacon. "My mom is a really bad actress. So it's easy to tell."

"It sounds like a trap." Leo said. "I know. But what if my moms in trouble? I can't just leave her." I ask

"She has a point." Donnie said.

"I'll go by myself if I have to. I won't leave my mother in parol like this."

"I know," Leo said. "But your not going alone."

"Then who's coming with?" I asked. He waves April over and asked her to see wants to follow me to Husten to see if my mom is in trouble. "Sure." April said.

At 9:50 we leave the sewers and head to Husten road. About three blocks away.

When we get about three buildings away from the meeting spot, April goes to the roof tops and watches me from up there.

I suck up my fear and walk to what looks like my mother. "Hey mom." I say.

"Hey Bethany." She says and she opens her arms for a hug. I take the hug and I try to get out of her grasp. She wouldn't let me go. Then all of the sudden she turns me around and puts a damp cloth to my nose.

As everything starts to black out I hear my mother say "I'm sorry sweetie. Forgive me." Then I just drift of to what feels like a slumber.

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