Chapter 13

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*Beth's POV*

I open the door and I look around. "Is this a cruel joke?" I say thinking its Mikey pushing my buttons. I look down and I see a cute little box. I pick it up and smile. "That's sweet." I say to my cat. She looks up at me with a look that says 'open it stupid!' Like when it's my birthday or Christmas.

I sit on my bed and I wait for sassy to jump up.when she dose she pats on the box and try's to help me open it. I take the bow off and stick it in her face. She shacks her head trying to get to bow off, or at least move it enough so she can see better.

I laugh and I move it to the top of her head. "Better?" I ask and she glares at me trying to say 'really?' I rip the paper and open the box. I see my newly repaired tessen, a light purple mask, and a belt with a yen-yang symbol on it. "That's nice." I say smiling.

I brush my hair that still smells like mutagen, and put it in a ponytail. I put the mask on having the tails poke from my ponytail. I put my belt on and put my tessen in the right pocket.

I look in the mirror and I smile. I like at my cat and she meows. "I think you like it." I say and she dose a little chirp. That means 'yeah.'

I walk out my room and I see the guys watching 'wheel of fortune.'

"Thanks guys." I say and the guys gasp. Mostly Raph. "You guys ok?" I say blushing. "Yeah."

"Where fine."

"Your welcome." They all say. I laugh and I sit by Raph who's in his bean bag.

I take my pills and watch wheel of fortune until I fall asleep.

*Mikey's POV*

I look behind me and I see Bethany asleep by Raph. I walk by acting like I was going to the bathroom and I push Beth on Raph.

Raph jumps in shock. He looks at me and I give him a thumbs up. "What are you doing?" Raph whispers trying not to wake her. "I don't know. I thought it would be cute." I say as I look at them.

Donnie looks and smiles. "That is cute." He says. "I guess Mikeys Cupid." Leo says. Raph blushes and looks at Beth. "Do you guys think I like Beth?" He asks. "Well you were breath taken by her when she was all ninja-fide." I say. "And you were the most eager to save Beth." Donnie says. "Let's face it. Your crush is as real as Donnie is to April." Leo says. "Just not as desperate." I say.

"Yeah." Donnie says "HEY!" Raph looks down and smiles. "She dose look kinda cool." Raph says and lays his arm around Beth.

As we watch some Dead Files master Splinter comes in. "What are you boys doing up. It's late. And were training tomorrow." He says and then he sees Raph and Beth. "That's cute Raphael." He says and Raph just goes red as a cherry. "Umm..." Raph says.

"I took a picture." I say showing him. "When did you take that?" Raph says getting even deeper red. "When we were on the last round of W.O.F."

"Can I have a copy of that?" Splinter ask. "Sensei!" Raph says. Beth flinches and curls up back into a ball.

Her cat walks to her and licks her nose. "What is she trying to do?" I ask Donnie and he shrugs. Then Beth grabs Sassy and pulls her close. There Sassy lays there purring. "AWWWWW!" We all say. I take another picture. "It looks like Beth has a strong passion for animals. Well, I think we all should go to bed. We are going to work more on archery so we need to sleep." Splinter says and walks to his room. "Good night sensei." We all say.

We take Beth to her room and we put her in bed. I pick Sassy up and she cuddles next to Bethany's head. We say good night to each other and we go to bed.

As I crawl into bed I think "Beth and Raph would be cute." I grab my Pinkie pie stuffie -being my favorite- and fall asleep.

*Bethany's POV* *morning*

I feel a rough tongue rub agents my hair and I open my eyes to see my cat just sitting there. I giggle and rub her head, being shocked at seeing my hand. "Oh yeah." I whisper as I remember what happened. "Thanks for waking me up again Sassy-frass." I say as I give her a friendly rub on the head.

"Meow!" She says as she looks at the door. "You need to go?" I ask as I look at the door. I see some smoke come from under the door and become alarmed.

"Shit!" I say. I run out the door and I see smoke come from the kitchen. I run to the kitchen and see Mikey burning pop-tarts in the toaster. I laugh at the memory of ME burning a pop-tart. My mom and dad never let me live that down. "Here let me help." I say as I fill a glass of water, unplug the toaster and poor the water in the toaster.

"Thanks!" Mikey says. "No problem." I say. Then we here running and see Leo come running and hits the wall. Me and Mikey crack up and fall to the floor. "Fail on stare-roads!" I say trying to get my breath. Leo rubs his nose and sees the toaster. "Again Mikey! It's the 5th time in the past two weeks." Leo says getting annoyed. "Sorry." Mikey says as he gives him a nervous smile.

"It's better then me." I say. The two look at me and I say I'll explain later.

After we pored are selfs a bowl of cereal, we sit in front of the tv watching some morning cartoon on Cartoon Network. We hear Raph walk in and he asked us if the toaster was fried. "Yep." I say and he rolls his eyes. "Why did I even asked?"

"Because you pick things up slowly." Mikey says as he eats his coco-puffs. "I'm to tired to hit you right now Mikey." Raph says as he walks to the kitchen.

"Donnie walks out and goes to his lab and sees the toaster on his desk. "Really Mikey?!?" Donnie says. "What did you burn now?"

"A pop-tart and part of the counter." I say still having my eyes glued to the tv screen. "Mikeys the pop-tart murder. At least that's what my mom would call him." Donnie rolled his eyes and started fixing the toaster.

After about 30 minutes we see April and we all go to the dojo.

There splinter is setting up 6 targets and bows for us. I smile and run to a bow. "I love doing this." I say as I pick up a arrow. "Wow. You must really like weapons." Leo says as he gets his bow. "I do. My father was a hunter and he showed me all his guns."

"Can you shoot?" Mikey asks. "Yep. I shot a bull-zie on my third try."

"Impressive!" Splinter says. "Thank you Sensei."

"I don't believe you." Raph says. "Look it up on YouTube hot-head." I say as I start to aim at the target. "Hot-head?" He says. "Well you have a temper, don't you?" I ask with a smile. "I have a small temper." He says. The out hers laugh. "That's a under statement." April says as she shoots the target. "HA!" I say. "I'm right."

Splinter hits my head and I let go of the arrow, missing the target completely. "Being right is good, but don't let it cloud your mind."

"Sorry." I say as I rub my head. I re lode and I aim for the bull-zie once again. I take a deep breath and start to get in my zone.

"BOO!" Raph says and I jump and miss the target again. "RAPH!" I say and he laughs. I glare at him and I grab a arrow with a suction cup on it. I aim at Raph. I shoot and I hit in in between the eyes. "Next time I won't use that kind of arrow." I say as I smile. "OOOOH!" Everyone says and Raph pulls the arrow off his head.

"Oh you fight dirty." Raph says as he crosses his arms. "I make sure I where rubber gloves." I say and I shoot the arrow at the target. Raph rolls his eyes and shoots the target.

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