Chapter 17

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"Um. How's your eye?" Jack ran his nails along the textbook's spine as Lindsey scowled back. I watched the exchange as I tapped away on my calculator.

"Fine," she growled. Her long hair was parted to the opposite different side to conceal her left eye, the one that got brutally punched. Touching the bridge of her nose was a corner of the bandaid that was placed over the wound.

"Okay then," Jack muttered to himself as he turned back to open the book.

I put my pencil down and reached into my backpack to pull out my water bottle. Lindsey looked around the room as she fixed the front of her hair to lay over her eye. She usually uses a red bow to clip her hair back, but today it has been ditched.

"I've heard you got a new boyfriend, Blue," she smirked through her hair.

"I guess we're kind of official," I shrugged.

"And I got a new boyfriend too!" She squealed, gripping onto the edges of the table.

"Who is it?" I asked as I started to drink out of the bottle, my eyes scanning the equations in front of me.

"Guess who it is." Her lips darted to the side as she tapped on her check with her finger. "Our ship name is Late."

"NO." Jack yelled as I spit my water onto the carpet, coughing as some of the water got stuck in my throat.

"You're with Nate?" I croaked. "How?"

"How did you get with Jesse, hm?" She fired back.

"Well first of all, he's my friend-"

"Blue, did you just friendzone your own boyfriend?" Jack laughed - although deeply dying on the inside.

"No, I said he was my friend, meaning we hung out and actually know each other. How the fuck did you and Nate even-"

"It was yesterday night. He met me at the hospital room and then we got together. Late for life," she sighed dreamily as Jack gagged.

"Late? More like Linte, like the fucking ugly little dust particles you got flowing around on your shirt," Jack hissed as Lindsey defensively patted her shirt down. "You said you'd never in a million years be interested in him!"

"That was before the-" she pointed to her red lips, in the corner of where Nate's lip ring was located.

"So what your saying is, if Nate took his piercing out you'd be uninterested again?" I tilted my head.

"Oh, no," Lindsey chirped. "That piercing was like the key to door of my soul. It unlocked it, and now I see how much of a wonderful, beautiful human being he is."

Jack and I looked at each other glared at each other and sighed dramatically.


In Foxe we had some big district test that made us write an essay on the importance of plants to the ecosystem. I bet all the students who got Ingram for Biology are going to fail. He didn't teach us anything related to plants whatsoever.

After class, I tried to follow Nate to talk to him about Lindsey, but he totally ignored me and walked off with his giant bean stalk legs. I tried chasing after him, but this school is too damn big, and I ended up getting lost in what was marked out to be the Freshman Quad. So I spent the rest of break trying to figure out how to get back to the Main Quad, which resulted in me accidentally walking into the Senior Quad and getting lost in there. I eventually had to ask a teacher how to get to room 42. How fucking embarrassing.

I followed her instructions and walked along the side of the Senior Quad's portables and then past the basketball courts I've never seen before, and then past the tennis court I never knew we had. Then I took a shortcut through the spray painted shrubs like she told me to and cut back into the Main Quad, quickly rushing past confused looking students and over to Ingram's class.

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