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I slept a bit later than I planned to. When I woke up, Sulgi was already there, sitting next to my bed. Once she saw that I was awake, she quickly helped me sit up, frantically asking if I needed anything. I almost laughed. She was almost as my parents were. I just told her to help me get into my wheelchair and to the kitchen. 

Once I was in my wheelchair, she began asking me a thousand questions, finishing with one that would collectively answer the rest of them: "Are you really okay? I remember how much it sucked last time you had cancer, and Jisung told me yesterday that Jeongin broke up with you." 

"Since when do you talk to Jisung? I didn't know you even had his number." I raised an eyebrow, not answering her question which I had already answered when she first asked right after I woke up. 

"Since we started dating." She answered my question as quickly as she could speak, but I heard every word and would be asking both of them why I was just now hearing about that. "But don't dodge the question. Tell me what happened." 

I sighed, explaining everything from Jeongin ceasing to text me to him thinking he'd causing all this struggle and thinking there's something going on between me and Eunwoo oppa. At the mention of Eunwoo, she stopped walking. 

"I don't suppose that you're aware that your parents invited him over for lunch, do you? He's off today and was worried about you, so your parents are letting him babysit while they're both at work today." 

I looked up at my best friend in shock. "What time is it?" 

"About 11:30, why?" 

"Help me get changed. I don't want Eunwoo oppa seeing me in my pajamas, and for God's sake, I need to brush my ha—" I stopped talking as soon as I realized what I was saying. He's seen my right after surgery before. Why did I care about him seeing me look like I just woke up, which I just did? 

Thankfully, Sulgi didn't seem to thing anything of it as she wheeled me back to my room and helped me into some real clothes as I brushed my hair. Once I was presentable, my best friend once again helped me maneuver my way to the kitchen. Just like she had said, Eunwoo was there helping my dad cook. I think this was my first time ever seeing Eunwoo cook. It suited him. 

I wheeled myself over to the bar in the kitchen, Sulgi following suit. "I didn't know you cooked, Eunwoo oppa." 

He gave a little bit of an embarrassed smile. "I don't usually, but your dad is teaching me. Anyway, how are you feeling? I heard that you were pretty upset when you got out of the hospital yesterday. What happened?" 

I sighed softly. It still didn't feel real that Jeongin broke up with me, but then again, our relationship never really felt real. Every time something got started, something happened to mess it all up. After a moment or two, I finally answered. "I experienced my first break up. Jeongin found out about my situation and blamed himself, saying it was safer for us to break up." 

Eunwoo put down what he was working with and moved to where he was in front of me, kneeling down. He grabbed my hands gently, holding them over my lap. "Are you okay? I know he was your first love. I can go break his arm if you want me to." 

I felt a smile crack into my features as I shook my head. "He's hurting just as much as I am. It wouldn't be right. He just did it because he thinks it was best. There was another reason he broke up with me too...He seems to think that there's something going on between us." 

Eunwoo looked surprised. "Did you tell him that that's not true?" 

I nodded. 

My doctor sighed, standing up straight. "I understand where he's coming from with the whole feeling responsible thing, but to go as far as to break up with you the same week that you found out about your illness...That seems too cruel." 

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