Happy Birthday

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As soon as I heard the loud voice asking where "she" (who I assumed was me) was, I jumped. With how the past year or so has been for me, it was only natural for any type of yelling to freak me out a least a little. Seojun and I stayed completely still. I don't know why he didn't do anything, but I didn't out of fear of whoever had just barged in. Whoever it was, I didn't recognize their voice, and as far as I knew, the only people who knew where this hideout was were members of Seojun's gang.

After a moment or two of expectation, a group of boys appeared at the door. There were three of them, and I recognized them immediately: Felix, Chan, and Minho. As soon as they saw us, Chan called out to someone else I assumed had come with them that they found "her," who I again, assumed was me. I stayed silent as Seojun stood up.

He immediately jumped on the defense, though not physically. "What are you doing here?"

Felix rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by his response. "Isn't it obvious? You have our friend's girlfriend behind you, and you'd been keeping her here for almost a year. We're here to get her back."

As Felix spoke, four other boys appeared behind him, but...Where was Jeongin? As I searched in the sea of boys, I found myself frowning at the fact that Jeongin hadn't come.

Before I could say anything to them, Seojun started talking again. "What if she doesn't want to go with you? Maybe she likes it here."

Jisung was the next to speak, pushing past the other boys and Seojun as he walked to me and sat next to me. He oh-so-familiarly wrapped his arms around my shoulder, which surprisingly caused me to relax. "Don't be stupid. She is clearly scared to death, and look at her. She's lost so much weight. She can't be healthy. Wouldn't you rather go with us than stay with them?"

He looked to me, smiling slightly as he voiced his question at the end. I had to admit that he looked rather...cute. His head was tilted slightly, making his already naturally cute appearance that much cuter.

 His head was tilted slightly, making his already naturally cute appearance that much cuter

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Finding myself unable to voice a response, I just nodded a little, relaxing a little more. I don't know what about him being there was so comforting. Maybe it's just being so close to someone after having no one for the past week that wasn't partially responsible for the whole me being kidnapped for the past year thing.

Seeing me nod, he smiled, looking back at Seojun as he stood up. As he stood up, he gently coaxed me into getting up as well. I followed him without thinking as he walked back to the other boys. "See? I told you. Why don't you let us take it from here? I think she'd be a lot better off with us."

As Chan was about to usher the rest of the boys, and me, out of the hideout, Seojun spoke up again. "I can't just let you leave with her. My hyungs would kill me if I did that."

Chan, the diplomatic leader that he is, took what Seojun said into consideration. "Then what would you suggest that we do?"

Seojun thought for a moment before responding. "Take me with you. Even if it's as a prisoner, if I'm here, no matter what, my hyungs will kill me. Besides...I'm worried about y/n's health. I've wanted for her to be freed for a while, but it's me against eight who are all older than me."

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