Nong Nin

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Mature content ahead. 18+ ONLY. Read at your own risk!

Kongpob stood outside of Arthit's door. His fingers touched his lips as he remembered their kiss. He was tempted to shoulder his way into Arthit's room again, but decided against it. This wasn't right. Even if his body believed otherwise. 

Kongpob turned and went next door to his room. He wondered why Arthit kissed him? Was it just to shut him up? Kongpob shook off his thoughts and sat down at his desk. He had school tomorrow and he had homework to do. 


At school, Kongpob sat down in chemistry class next to a girl with long black hair. She was beautiful, but Kongpob was deep in thought. His fingers absently rubbed his lips and once in a while he licked them as if he could still taste Arthit's lips on his.

"Hey, I'm Nin," Kongpob started as the girl next to him cut into his thoughts abruptly.

"Hey, I'm Kongpob," Kongpob said with an easy smile. She was beautiful, but they had no chemistry. What is so special about P' Arthit? Why can't I stop thinking about him? His lips do taste kind of..."

"So what grade are you in?" came the girl's voice again.

Kongpob tried to not be annoyed, but once again she interrupted his thoughts and his imagination was just about to get good. "I'm a senior."

"Oh, I'm a junior. Just taking this class early because I like it. I'm hoping to major in Chemistry. How about you?" The girl looked up at Kongpob and her eye lashes fluttered in a flirtatious manner.

Kongpob smiled oblivious to her obvious attraction to him. "I want to study Economics at Kasetsart University." Hmmm, speaking of Kasetsart. P'Arthit goes there. I wonder how he'd feel about me going to the same university?Hmm, maybe I should major in Engineering? It could be...

"So do you want to be partners?"

Kongpob looked down at the girl. She was looking at him expectantly. "What did you say?"

"The teacher just announced a chemistry project that we can do in pairs. Do you want to be partners?" 

Kongpob smiled evilly. "Sure, why not? Why don't you come over to my house and we can work on it together?" And maybe my P'Arthit will be there to see you and I'll be there to see how he reacts. 

"Wow, okay!" Nin got so excited she turned back around in her seat with a wide smile. She didn't speak anymore. Almost as if she was afraid Kongpob would rescind his offer.


Arthit entered the house. He was heading to the stairs when he felt the presence of people in the living room to his left. He looked over and saw Kongpob and a girl. They were sitting really close. Their knees were touching and the girl kept touching Kongpob's shoulder to get his attention.

Suddenly, Arthit felt very angry. His jaw muscle started ticking and before he knew it he had stalked over to them. 

"Who's this?" Arthit snapped. He pressed his lips tightly together at Kongpob's smirk. I need to chill. He's gonna think I' I can't even think about it.

"Oh, P'. This is my classmate Nong Nin. We're partners for a project. Nong Nin, this is my step-brother, P'Arthit."

"Sawdee Kha, P" Nin said politely. She turned her head to look at Kongpob as if he hung the moon and the stars and Arthit glared at the back of her head. 

When Arthit noticed Kongpob smirking back at him he gave a fake cough and backed out of the room. "I'm going to my room. Nice to meet you, Nin," Arthit said. 

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