For your own good

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18+ only! Read at your own risk!

Kongpob stood outside his classroom for a second. He wasn't afraid, but he wanted to brace himself. He also thought about what must be running through Arthit's head.

Their parents had returned late last night and Arthit had ignored Kongpob ever since he'd slammed the door in his face.

Kongpob sighed and opened the door to the classroom. He walked in and heard whispers and snickers. Kongpob walked calmly towards M and sat down next to him. M gave him a comforting look and Kongpob gave him a small thankful smile. 

The class went smoothly and no one had the courage to confront Kongpob, but it didn't stop the teachers from finding out. 

Kongpob headed to chemistry class -- the class he had with Nin -- and his jaw set in anger. He still couldn't believe she told the whole school about it. 

In  chemistry class, he sat down away from Nin and he felt her gaze burning a hole in his shirt. After class was over, Kongpob approached her and asked to speak with her.

Nin looked at him with a defiant look. Her arms folded defensively. 

"Why did you do that?" Kongpob asked calmly. "I thought we were friends."

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Why are you talking like I'm the one who did something wrong?" Nin glared at Kongpob. 

"You entered my house without knocking and then entered a bedroom in my house without knocking. Do you think you did something right?" 

Nin had the sense to blush, but her embarrassment didn't last long. "How long did you think you could do that with your own brother? Do your parents know?" she asked smugly. Her face was an ugly mask and Kongpob didn't seem to see the point of talking to her anymore. She wasn't sorry and she didn't care. He only hoped she hadn't pushed Arthit away from him forever.

"He's my step brother and I don't care if they know," Kongpob turned and walked away. He walked quickly towards the exit of the school. He really needed to talk to his P'.

"Kongpob, wait a minute!" 

Kongpob turned around and saw the school principal calling him over. He gestured towards his office and Kongpob followed reluctantly.

When they sat down the principal looked uncomfortable. He coughed a couple of times and looked everywhere but at Kongpob. Finally, he started, "Kongpob, I've been hearing some rumors around the school. Is it true you your brother?"

"I'm sorry about all of this. This is just a big misunderstanding. He's not my brother," Kongpob said firmly.

The principal held his hand to his chest and sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God. I..."

"But, he is my lover," Kongpob finished. He didn't want to lie and he really hoped this didn't blow up in his face. He hoped Arthit wasn't ashamed of him.

The principal's eyes widened in  shock. "Dd-do your parents know?" he stuttered out.

"No. I hope you give me the chance to tell them myself."

"Ssure," the principal said with relief. He definitely didn't want to be the one to break the news. 

Kongpob thanked him and hurried home. When he entered the house, he ran up the stairs and went to his room to put his bag down. When he entered, he saw Arthit was sitting on his bed. 

Arthit had a deadpan expression as he got up to face him. He was only in Kongpob's room to find out what had happened at Kongpob's school.

"Did she tell everyone?" Arthit asked. His heart pounded and his hands were clammy. It seemed the whole world was crumbling. 

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