Weather the storm with you

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The next day the boys arrived in school like they hadn't just had the most incredible sex in the gym last night. Arthit smiled to himself just thinking about this. He suddenly felt a little tight in the pants. Looking this way and that way to check that no one was watching him he adjusted his crotch carefully.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?" Kongpob said while walking in front of him. Arthit could hear the smirk in his voice even if he couldn't see him. 

"Shut. Up." Arthit gritted between his teeth in mock anger. He was so relaxed that he was walking on cloud 9. It felt like Kongpob had sucked the stress straight out from his cock. 

Arthit's face split into a wide smile while he walked behind Kongpob to the cafeteria. Kongpob was wearing his hazer red shirt and black undershirt and to Arthit he was the sexiest he could ever be in that outfit. 

The freshman girls sighed and put a fist under their chins as they stared at his man in adoration. Arthit frowned at them behind Kongpob's back, a low growl climbing up his throat. I'm gonna have to lock him in a closet at work. 

"Easy P', I only see you," Kongpob turned around and adjusted Arthit's tie absently. Arthit blushed as he looked around in embarrassment. He stalked past Kongpob and sat down in front of his friends. 

Bright looked at him with a worried expression. "Have you seen the post?"

Arthit looked at him with alarm. Social media hadn't worked well for him this year. "What?"

Bright looked between him and Kongpob and then at Toota. "You tell him."

"Coward," muttered Toota under his breath. 

"Just spit it out!" Arthit snapped. He couldn't take the suspense anymore. 

"Nin posted on the university forum," Toota said gravely. 

Kongpob jerked to attention at the mention of Nin's name. "What did she do now?" He frowned fiercely, but under the table his hand gripped Arthit's in quiet support. 

"Just a short announcement," Bright said with a serious expression. This is the first time Arthit had seen him like this. Bright could usually be relied on to be the clown of the group even in the most dire of situations. 

"I'm losing my patience with you," Arthit warned, his brows furrowed and his jaw muscle ticking ominously. Normally, this expression would drive Kongpob wild, but right now he didn't have the luxury.

"She wrote that she would upload a so called sex tape of you guys to the forum at 5pm tonight," Bright said. 

Arthit's heart dropped all the way to his stomach. His heart was beating fast and he pulled his hand away from Kongpob. The room seemed to be so suffocating right now or maybe he was having difficulty pulling in air. 

"P', P', we can fix this," Kongpob said desperately. He could feel Arthit pulling away from him already and he was panicking too. Suddenly, he thought of someone. "We could talk Niran. I'm sure he could convince his sister to not publish that video."

"Ya'll really have a sex tape?" Bright asked loudly with his eyes almost popping out of his face. 

Arthit drew back his fist as if to punch him. "Can you say that any louder, you bastard?!" 

"Oooh ho ho ho, Arthit, you're in trouble," Toota chuckled. 

"P', give me your phone and I'll call Niran," Kongpob asked quietly. Arthit passed him the phone without looking at him and Kongpob walked away from the group with a hurt expression. 

Kongpob went to a corner of the cafeteria a few feet from Arthit and his friends and put the phone to his ear after dialing the number. 

"Hey gorgeous, decided to dump your boyfriend yet?" Niran answered flirtatiously. 

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