My Brother

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Kongpob looked out the car window from the passenger seat. The landscape rolled past and he stared right through it as he thought about what his new brother would be like. Their parents got married so quickly that they hadn't had a chance to meet yet. 

He didn't know how to feel. On the one hand it would be nice to have a big brother after living with three sisters for so many years. On the other hand, his father's marriage to Arthit's mother, Prija, happened really fast. He wondered if his wealthy father was being fooled by this woman. 

His father wouldn't be the first man to fall for a hot nurse. Kongpob gave a small smile at his thoughts. His knee bounced in excitement. He was really looking forward to seeing his new brother.

After a few minutes, his father, Prassakorn, stopped the car in front of their brand new house. The house had two floors and three bedrooms. It had a two-car garage and a white gate blocked the path to the garage. The house was in Chatuchak near Kasetsart University so that Arthit didn't have to use the dorms. Kongpob had also been attending high school near by so it worked out for everyone to move here.

"Kongpob, get out and open the gate so I can drive inside" his dad said.

"Yeah, dad," Kongpob jumped out of the jeep and opened the white gate and stood to the side as his father drove inside. He was about to follow, but his cell phone rang. Kongpob looked down and rolled his eyes as he saw it was his friend, M. 

Sometimes he thought his friend needed a helmet to protect him from himself. He chuckled as he answered the phone. "Ai M, what's up?"

"Ai Kong, how's the new house and new step mom?"his nosy friend asked.

"She seemed nice the one time I met her, but I'm worried about my dad."


"Well, their marriage seems kind of sudden. I'm not sure if she's taking advantage of him or what? She's young, too."

"Well, your father can't stay single forever and it's been a few years since your mom died."

Kongpob sighed, "I know. I'm just saying it's very suspicious. I'll be keeping an eye on her that's for sure. Sometimes my father only sees the good in people."

"Ah, yes, yes, Mr. Kongpob. No one has your wisdom," M teased. 

"Oh, shut up," Kongpob shook his head as he chuckled. "I gotta go. I have to help my dad unpack."

Kongpob moved to walk towards the car when he felt a hand pull him back by his shirt. A hand pushed at his shoulder and pressed him against the white gate. 

Kongpob looked at his assailant and tensed to fight. He raised his hands, but his attacker grabbed him by the throat and pressed him harder against the gate.

His assailant had icy dark brown eyes. His cut jaw ticked in anger and his rosy full lips, in stark contrast to his fair manly face, were pressed tightly together in anger. His eyes shot daggers at Kongpob as his strong fingers squeezed Kongpob's throat.

"Listen because I'm only gonna say this one time. This will be the last time you accuse my mother of being a gold digger. If I hear you talking shit again, I will fucking squeeze until there's no more breath in your body." The assailant shook Kongpob by his throat, "got me?"

Kongpob's eyes widened as he realized this must be his new step brother. "P', I didn't mean it like that. I..." Kongpob trailed off as Arthit let him go suddenly. 

Arthit blinked rapidly as he let go of his new step brother. His loins had stirred as if he'd been watching a porno. He looked down in disbelief.

"I'm Kongpob," Kongpob was saying, but Arthit ignored him and walked away quickly in the direction of the house. He had to stay far away from his new step brother. Despite his rudeness, his gleaming black hair and twinkling chocolate eyes had almost weakened Arthit's resolve against him.

Kongpob stared at Arthit's back as he walked into the house and rubbed his throat. Even though it had hurt, as soon as his P's hand had left his body he had suddenly felt a huge loss. 

"I must be sick in the head," Kongpob said out loud as he shook his head at his thoughts.

"What?" Kongpob looked up and saw his father standing before him with a frown.

"Oh sorry, dad. I'll come help you."

"I guess you met Arthit," his father said with a smile. "You know his name means sun just like me. Isn't that interesting. It's like fate." Prassakorn chuckled gleefully and Kongpob shook his head and thought: "You poor fool. That guy is more like an eclipse."

"So what did you think of Arthit?" his dad asked.

Kongpob thought of the soft-looking pouty pink lips of his new brother. "He's...interesting." 

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