Chapter 3 - Shifting

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Katherine Rosewell

Clothes. Heels. Shoes. Makeup Kit. Toiletries. Perfumes. Purses and Money. Okay all done. I gave myself an approving smile as I finished packing. Carter would be here by 10 and it's still 8:45 according to the clock so that means I have plenty of time get ready.

I rushed to the bathroom and had a bath. I changed into a causal wearing for today.

 I changed into a causal wearing for today

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I went down to make breakfast for myself. I wasn't so hungry and therefore decided to settle with scrambled eggs, toast and some orange juice.

I laid my scrambled egg on my toast and was about to get the juice when the doorbell rang. It was 9:45 so it can be Carter or it can't.

I took my gun from the kitchen drawer and tucked it in the belt around my waist. I have many guns hidden here and there in my house because God knows when someone decides to get defeated.

I walked towards the door with one hand on my gun.

I opened the door to a similar pair of blue orbs.

"You are early." I said as I let Carter walk in.

"15 minutes is not that early Bubble." Carter walked towards the kitchen with me ahead of him.

He sat on the chair by the kitchen Island.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I asked as I took the juice out.

"Yes. By the way what's for breakfast?"

"Scrambled Egg, toast and juice but I can make you some coffee." I said as I poured myself a glass of juice.

"Ohk but I am fine with juice." He smiled and replied.

I quickly made his breakfast and placed the plate in front of him.

We started eating in silence until Carter decided to break it.

"So you don't want to work with us."

"Honestly, I was trained under my godfather till the age of 17. I'm 23 now so it has been quite time since I started working for myself. I don't regret shooting Charles neither do I not want to join your group. Pericoloso is the most famous and respected Mafia Group of all times. I am just afraid that my enemies might just think of attacking you guys because of me." I answered honestly.

Due to my habit of working with all professionalism and my record of completing every task I do, many people offered me their group but I joined none. Evan never gave me an option but ordered me. And the truth is that this group is the most powerful and I am happy to work with them.

Once we completed our breakfast and I did the washing, I went to my room to get my bags. Yes I got 3 bags with me. I still have left some basic things here in case I want to stay here for a day or two.

I climbed down with my 3 bags.

"You know that you can come here sometimes and need to leave something's here for that right?" Carter said as he helped me with the bags.

"So?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Why so many things. 1 bag should be enough." He started walking towards the car while I locked each and every room.

"A lady is never satisfied with 1 bag." I said as I locked the front door.

Carter was coming in his car while I walked towards mine.

"Where are you going?" Carter asked as I approached my car.

"I will take my car." I announced not leaving any space for argument.

After thinking for a minute or two, Carter nodded his head.

"Okay you can take your car but my dear bubble, we have to modify it a little bit. People know that this car belongs to you and thus can use it to get our address or something. To prevent that, we will change the number and some exterior." He said as he sat in the car.

I did the same and let Carter lead my way because I wasn't aware where did they actually lived. The place that I visited yesterday was their warehouse where they met some important people in private.

After a drive of about 2 hours from my house Carter entered an isolated place. He drove for another 10 minutes before stopping in front of a big and I mean really big house.

He stepped out of the car and so did I. Soon 2 servants came and took my luggage. I stood beside Carter when he lead me in.

The house was beautiful from outside and magnificent from inside. It was paint in black, white and grey. It had beautiful furniture and the floor was covered with expensive carpets.

"Before you go to your room, I want you to meet Evan. He is waiting for you in his study." He said as he led me to a door near the main hall.

He knocked twice with the same interval of seconds like yesterday.

Once we heard the : "Come In" we went inside. His study was much darker than the house. It was painted in a heavy shade of grey.

"Finally here." Evan said as he turned towards me.

"Welcome Katherine." He said as he handed me a glass of clear drink which I suppose is Vodka. It's a delicacy to serve important people with Vodka in Mafia.

I took the glass and had a sip. It was absolute Vodka. You serve it when you want to express your happiness towards a deal. I assume he is happy with me joining his group.

"What will I be called? Veleno or Katherine?" I said taking a sip of the drink.

"You will be called Katherine in this house and Veleno by us once we are out. Our men are trustworthy and your secret is safe."Carter reassured me.

"Fine." I said as I gulped rest of my drink.

"You May settle in your room and will be called for lunch. We plan on introducing you with others later. Lily will help you with your room." Evan said as he pressed a button on his table.

After a few seconds the door flew open and walked in a beautiful girl with hazel eyes and beautiful brown hair. Her presence was welcoming and everything about her screamed happy and sweet.

I can see that Carter's eyes held a sparkle as he saw Lily. I assume that he likes Lily.

"This is Katherine." Carter said as he introduced me to Lily.

"Hello." We both said in sync. We exchanged a smile.

"Please guide her to her room." Evan said as he dismissed us.

We walked out of the room.

Lily led me to my room and helped me unpack. We had a little chat and now I knew somethings about her. She was very sweet and helpful. She is half Indian and half American. She is going to marry Carter soon and right now she kind of has a crush on him too. They are getting married due to an agreement but I'm sure they will soon fall in love.

She was very happy to have a girl live here as she was the only lady beside me in this house. Not that she was uncomfortable or something rather Carter was there to ensure everyone respects her. Evan and Carter were childhood friends and were very close.

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