Chapter 10 - Genie and his Marks

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Katherine Rosewell

I rubbed my eyes open as my alarm rang. I found myself alone which is very unusual. I have a habit of seeing Evan once I am awake. I wonder where he is?

I made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, had a bath and changed into my comfy clothes which had a black leggings and pink tank top. I left my hair open and went downstairs.

I saw Evan siting at the kitchen island with a serious expression on his face. I approached him.

"Good Morning." I said as I kissed his cheeks. He gave me a small smile and went back to the serious mode.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"No.. Nothing." He said.

"Tell me Evan." I said as I held his face with my palms.

"My mother is in not well. I am thinking of visiting her this afternoon." Evan is really close to his mom and I know he is damn worried about her.

"I can't see her like that. I hate seeing her sick. After my dad, my mom has been with every phase of my life." He said while he held my hand.

"Will you come with me?" He asked out of nowhere and I looked at him wide-eyed.

"Please?" He asked hopefully.

"I am afraid, I don't know why but okay I will come with you." I said with a reassuring smile.

He smiled and pecked my lips.

"So what will you have for breakfast?" I asked as no maids were around and I was really hungry.

"Pancakes? If it's okay with you." He said and I nodded.

"I will have a chocolate flavoured what about you?" I asked as I took a pancake mix out from the cupboard.

"Same." He said and I took 2 packets of pancakes.

"Make some for us too." Carter said as he entered along with Ian and Liam in the kitchen.

Ian is a man who works at Evan's office but due to safety reasons has shifted to our house. He's really funny around us but when it comes to work, he is dead serious. I think even Carter can't be this serious. By the way, Carter and Ian are cousins so Ian knows Evan we'll. Ian has brown hairs and dark blue eyes.

Liam is a important part of Pericoloso. He was away to his house in Bahamas for a 2 months vacation. He is serious too and has brown eyes along with dark brown hair. He has this tattoo on arm which says 'I'm the one.' I found it weird to write something like that on your body but then it's his wish.

"Sure." I smiled and they sat at the kitchen island.

"I and Katherine are visiting my mom today as she is sick. You guys are the incharge of the house." Evan said.

I mixed the ingredients and poured them in the pan.

I placed our breakfast plates on the island and we all started eating.

"We will leave around 9." Evan said as I nodded.

After the breakfast, I went to my room and found a black sleek dress which ended up to my mid thigh. I didn't knew which heels to wear. I wish I had took the heels I left the other day at the mall.

 I wish I had took the heels I left the other day at the mall

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There was knock on the door and shortly Evan walked in. He kissed my head and said : "Looking nice amoure."

"Evan I cant decide what to wear on my feet. I wish I had a genie who could bring the heels I didn't took the other day we were at the mall. They would go really nice with my dress." I ended with a huff.

"Wait a minute." With that Evan exited my room.

He came back with a box in his hands. The box contained the same heels I felt.

"How did you get this?" I said looking at him in disbelief.

"I'm your genie." Evan said as he kept his hands around my waist.

"I took it as a gift for you." He said and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"You'll always be my genie and grant all my wish?" I asked as he nodded.

"I promise." He said with sincere eyes.

"Genie, I want a kiss." I said with a smirk.

Evan lowered himself to meet my lips. I kept my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I again got the feeling of fireworks in me. He pulled away and started kissing my sweet spot. The spot where my neck and shoulder met. I melted in this feeling.

Suddenly, I felt his teeth against my skin and this caveman literally bit me. He pulled away with me still in his arms. He left a red hickey which was luckily covered by my dress.

"I love marking you as mine." He said with a smirk.

I shook my head and wore my heels. I kissed Evan's cheeks as a 'thank you' and then we exited the room together.

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