Chapter 32 - Triggered

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Katherine Stalin

"Boss.... Tesoro.... Katherine...." I heard some familiar voices calling me out.

I felt someone shaking my shoulder and another hand, very familiar hand caressing my cheek. I became a little more conscious and instantly knew the hand on my cheek was of Evan. I held his hand which was rested on my cheek.

I tried and opened my eyes to see a very concerned Evan.

"Are you fine?" He asked and I sat straight up from my earlier crooked position. My back hurts like bitch.

"Yes." Nevertheless I nodded and he planted a small kiss on my forehead.

I took notice of the surroundings. All the memories from earlier stuck me and I realised we were still in Romanov's house.

I saw Evan, Carter, Ian, Anna, Liam, Cassandra, Joseph, Scott and Andy around me.

Evan, Carter and I were the only one who were conscious. The rest were still under the effect of that drug.

We three helped other gain their senses first.

Once we were all got normal, we started inspecting the room to find a way out.

The room was off Grey in colour but the paints were almost scrapped off. There were no window neither any other door except the main one, which was locked from outside.

We found a very small hole in one of the wall, but through it we can only see the backyard and it was impossible to break it further. It was so small that even a hand cannot pass through.

All our weapons were taken away while we were unconscious.

"I have a little hammer. We can try to further break the wall if you want." Cassandra said and having no other option, we all agreed.

The hammer was small almost medium in size. Liam took it from her and started widening the hole.

After about 20 minutes, all the boys started kicking the now some what widened hole.

Ian's watch which looked just like a normal one, had a button which will alert Jeremy back at the Mansion.

But, unfortunately Ian's watch lacked signal.

He stretched his hand out through the wall and then luckily, he got the god damn signal. He pressed a button and within a matter of seconds a yellow light flicked in it. This was an indication that the message was sent.

We waited for the watch to show a green light.

Within a minute, green light started flickering. Jeremy, as commanded, will be sending a new troop of gang members which stayed near the house. We asked them to immediately come towards the back of the house, once we send them signal, which they might get through Jeremy.

After some time, a rope jumped in the room through that hole in the wall. Evan peeped down to see our men standing there ready to help us.

One by one we climbed down with the help of the rope.

First thing we cleaned our wounds and then reloaded ourselves with guns.

Once we were ready, we walked in through the back door.

We made our way straight to Romanov's room. As expected he was near a table discussing something with his other members.

He took notice of your presence and looked up from the table.

"How the fuck did you all get out of that room?" Now angry, Romanov shouted at us from across the room.

We heard some gunshot and saw that our men, who were standing behind us, shot many of Romanov's men. Basically now, there were around 9-10 more people in the room or better the house apart from Romanov.

I signalled Cassandra and she took hold of a man. Watching her action, other gang members did the same to others.

Only Romanov was standing there alone.

"Boss?" Cassandra said as every gang member, who held Romanov's men took their guns out including Cassandra herself.

I nodded my head and in 2 seconds Romanov's gang was finished. The house which once was filled with his men is now nothing more than a corpse yard.

Ian kicked Romanov's leg and the action took him aback.

He fell on the ground and before her could get up, Liam and Carter started tying him to a chair.

Once, he was tied to the chair, Evan punched him square in his face.

"That's for insulting my wife." Evan again punched him.

"That's for thinking low of her." Evan punched him the stomach this time.

"That's for not treating her like the Queen she is." This time her punched him at his jaw.

"And that's for dreaming of crumbling her empire down."

Romanov started bleeding badly and Evan continued punching him in his ribs. It was so impactful that the cracking sound was heard, which indicted that he might have some broken ribs. But the, no one cared.

Ian took a thick stick which was in a corner of the room. Liam and Carter did the same and hit Romanov continuously for solid 5 minutes.

"Enough!" I commanded and at once, all of them stopped.

I know if they continue beating him, he might die and I'll not let that happen. I have waited for 25 years to have this revenge. I have waited to get my vengeance and my vengeance is his death by my hand.

I walked in front of him.

"You still got it baby. Save me and we'll get married. Divorce this Evan and we'll soon knock him out too. Just say yes." Romanov spoke and I started hating him more if that's even possible.

That, triggered me. Now, I know what to do.

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