Chapter 15 - Sweet Revenge

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Katherine Rosewell

"I loved the part when he fought." I said.

"Of course you did. You're Veleno for god sake and your boyfriend is The Evan Stalin. You guys talk less and punch more to your enemies." Emma said.

I rolled my eyes dramatically and the four of us ended laughing hard.

Me, Lily, Emma and Anna are having a filmy Friday night, Actually evening. We were currently in the movie room of the mansion. The boys are away at the office for some work and Anna came up with this idea to kill time. Emma bought an action-romance movie and we just finished watching it. We were discussing which part was our favourite.

It has been almost 2 month since the Stalin Sisters shifted here. It has been a blast. We go out for shopping, watch movies together, we cook and bake and also Ian has proposed to Anna.Evan doesn't mind as this helped Anna recover her depression.

Yes, depression. Due to bad health,Sarah died within a week since they shifted here. I was shaken. Evan was really sad but he didn't show it. Emma was sad too but Anna was the most affected. Ian's company was something that helped Anna laugh sometimes. Ian in the mean time realised his feelings and proposed her. It all happened really fast and for good.

The sound of the doorbell bought me out of my chain of thoughts.

"Let's go to the living room." Lily said and we all walked down to the living room.

The boys were back. The four of them go to office together.

Evan walked up to me and kissed my forehead after hugging me. Carter and Ian did same to Lily and Anna respectively. Emma waved to Liam and in response he winked. I can see something is going on between them.

"You guys freshen up and we will get the table ready." Lily said as the 4 of us walked to the kitchen. The boys made their way to their rooms.

Also, I , Lily and Anna share rooms with Evan, Carter and Ian now. I and Lily shifted way back and Anna did that recently.

"What's going on between you and Liam?" Lily asked Emma,voicing out my thoughts.

"Nothing." She said and shrugged her shoulders but it was obvious that they like each other.

We went and sat at the table. We have our respective place beside our boyfriends. Emma and Liam too sit next to each other.

Shortly, boys came down and took their respective seats.The maids bought the food and we all started eating in silence. The only noise audible were the ones of the plates and forks.

After the dinner, we were sitting in Anna and Ian's room. We were all having cups of coffee with us.

I and Evan made plans to go at the beach house of Evan this Saturday that is tomorrow. Similarly, Lily and Carter are going somewhere while Ian and Anna are heading somewhere. Liam and Emma are gonna stay home.

It has been quite a time since I and Evan alone went out and we definitely need sometime together. Tomorrow is Evan's birthday. It means tomorrow night I'll give him myself.





The next day I was the first one to wake up. I had a bath and walked towards my closet. I packed a swimsuit, 2 dresses and a night wear,considering we will return tomorrow night that is on Sunday.I changed into a sundress and walked up to a gorgeously sleeping Evan. I have no idea how does he manage to look so good even while sleeping.

I bend a little and kissed his cheek and said : "Good Morning and a very Happy Birthday Evan ."

He stirred a bit but then slept again. I thought of waking him up after preparing breakfast. I started walking away from the bed when a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me to a hard chest. His smell enveloped me and I involuntarily inhaled deeply. He kissed my temple and then started showering kisses down, from my earlobe to my sweet spot. I let out a husky moan. He kept going low until my hand stopped him.

"Get changed. I'll get the breakfast ready." I said as I tiptoed and left a small kiss on his check.He nodded and made his way towards the bathroom.

I went downstairs and started preparing some eggs along with bacon. I poured a glass of orange juice and a coffee. Just when I kept our breakfast on the table, Evan entered wearing only his sweatpants. His smoking hot abs were on full display and I'd lie if I said I wasn't feeling hot. He walked up to me and made me sit on the chair. He took my hands and kissed my knuckles behaving all like a gentleman. I smiled at him and he made himself comfortable on the chair opposite to mine.

"Start digging." I said and the both of us started eating breakfast. I can see his eyes lit up as he took a bite of the eggs.

"I love your food." He said as he moaned and I chuckled as a response. I know he loves it when I cook and truly enjoys eating. One of the many reasons why I love him. I smiled at the thought and had a sip of my orange juice.

He walked up to my chair and took the glass of orange juice. Just before he sips it I stopped him by snatching my glass back. No one and I repeat, no one touches my food.

" I want a sip." Evan said in an authoritative voice.

"But it's mine." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"And your mine so indirectly that's mine too." He said and took a sip of it. Now, this calls for a revenge. I registered his words and a blush covers my cheeks. He noticed my pink cheeks and he bend a little to give me peck on my lips. Just when he was about to pull away, I pulled him back down and started kissing him. Once he was responding, I bit his lower lip hard enough to draw out blood. This is my revenge.

I pulled away once I got a taste of the metallic liquid.I smirked at Evan and he cocked an eyebrow up.

He lowered himself and whispered huskily in my ears : "I'll get back at you tonight." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

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