Chapter 8 - Those Eyes

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Katherine Rosewell

"Why is it that every time I enter a store and look for some shoes, I can never settle with just one?" I said making a confused face towards Evan. I have been examining these shoes from last 20 minutes and I can't settle on one. I have to choose between 2 most beautiful heels I have ever saw.

We all split and of course Carter went with Lily so I and Evan are stuck together. Not that I don't like it. Evan did his shopping first because the men's section was on the ground floor. We were currently on the second floor that's the women's section.

One had a beautiful blue butterfly pattern at the back and the other was a hot black boot heel

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One had a beautiful blue butterfly pattern at the back and the other was a hot black boot heel. I love both these types of heels.

"Why don't you buy both of them?" Evan suggested.

"I have a lot of these and don't want to buy another. I think I will go with the butterfly heels." I said with a heavy heart. I really didn't wanted to leave that black boot behind.

Once the payment was done we excited the shop. I spotted a Zara shop and decided to buy some clothes.

"Let's go to Zara." I said as I started walking towards it just to be caught by my wrist.

"I'll join you shortly. You go on." Evan said as he left my wrist.

"Okay." I said and quickly made my way towards the Zara shop.

After going around some racks full of eye catching and beautiful dresses I took a couple of them and just as I was going to go for trials, Evan entered the store.

He approached me and took a look on the dresses in my hand. He asked me to wait and went towards some rack. He returned holding a dress which was simply elegant.

"Please try this first. I think this will suit you." He said handing me the dress.

"Sure." I said with the sweetest smile.

I quickly changed into the dress he bought and stepped out of the changing room. Evan's look said it all. He had a glitter in his eyes. I knew I looked sizzling in that dress. I mean come on, apart from being fit, what did I spend so many hours in the gym for?

 I mean come on, apart from being fit, what did I spend so many hours in the gym for?

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It was beautiful golden deep neck dress with a fall of net on the left side.

"Looking beautiful, amore." He said eyeing me up and down.


I blushed a little at that and just as I turned around to change. I spotted something. The same eyes and I panicked instantly. I ran into the changing room.

Evan Stalin

After showing me the dress in which she looked mesmerising, Katherine turned around towards the trial room when she stopped dead in her way. She saw something and instantly panicked. She ran towards the trial room and shut the door.

I called her name but didn't got any response. I knocked on the door and it was open. I saw Katherine on the ground with her knees near her chest and her head down. She was sobbing and I was utterly confused. One minute she was all smiles and another she is crying badly.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat next to her and took her in my arms. Come what may, I can't see her like this.

"He... he... Evan take ... me home... please." She managed to say while still sobbing.

"Sure you change and we'll go back home." I said as I kissed her forehead and exited the room.

After a minute she came and I payed for the dress quickly and wasting no time I held her by her waist and we walked towards the car.

We sat in the car and I called a driver and asked him to wait by the mall and get Carter and Lily back home. I then called Carter and informed about what happened and speed up towards the house.


The maids took our shopping bags just when Katherine quickly walked towards her room. I went towards her room and as I opened the door I found a crying Katherine on her bed.

I sat next to her and she quickly threw her arms around me. I held her near to me ensuring she was okay. I made invisible patters on her hand and back. I know that calms her down. After a while of crying she held her head up and looked into my eyes. Her green eyes were like the mirror to my soul.

 Her green eyes were like the mirror to my soul

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She sobered up a little and sat in front me. She remained silent for a while and I took this time to wonder what happened? She said something about 'he' but who?

"Sorry, I spoiled your shirt." She said with a chuckle.

"I don't care about that stupid shirt. All I care about is you."I said as I cupped her face with my hands.

"Are you okay? Would you like to share what happened?" I said in a soft voice.

"I'm fine. I will surely tell you but the story but promise me you wouldn't pity me and tell anyone about it. Also I want to confess something so please listen carefully." She said her voice turning serious.

"Katherine, I won't tell anything about this to anyone and I swear on heavens I will never see you with pity. I never can. Please tell me what happened and about the confession, even I want to spill something." I said as I made my mind to tell her that I like her. I will ask her to be my girlfriend today.

I can't see her like this and confessing my feelings towards her will help her to feel good around me. She needs to know that I trust her and am always by her side.

"First please go and freshen up." I said as I asked her to go to the bathroom.

She went and washed her face. Now I can see that beautiful face I see in my dreams. She cleaned her face and Jesus she is so beautiful. I think I felled for her a little more.

She asked for my hand. I held her hand and she made me walk towards the couch.

I sat there while she looked outside the window.

She started with : "Here goes the worst chapter of my life....."

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