Chapter 5 - Questions

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Katherine Rosewell

"Half Of us will leave at 3 and the other half at 4. Carter and I will be the leaders of the two halves." Evan said as we took our guns and shoved them in a suitcase. We will used them at the hotel.

It has been 2 weeks since I shifted here. We were going for our first mission after my joining. We have to attack a gang of 15 important members of the gang which are going to meet at a hotel near the park. They were planning a coup against Pericoloso and had some knowledge about us. We were going there to find the head of the meeting, dig information about him and kill him.We were going in two differently halves apparently but I wasn't sure in which half am I.

"You'll come with me Miss Rosewell." Evan said as if reading my mind. I nodded as answer.

We walked towards the car and took our seats. Evan was driving and I was at the passenger seat. We were on the first half. Carter and team would join us shortly.


We parked our car near the back door of the hotel. We silently went up to the second floor and checked in a room near the room of Anthony. He will be the head of the meeting and thus I know his name.

"Boss, we have to wait till 5. Their meeting is postponed." A guy said as he finished talking to Carter.

"Fuck!" Evan cursed as he was frustrated. I bet he didn't like waiting.

"Can we go to the nearby store to get something to eat?" The same guy asked.

Yes we hadn't had lunch and they were obviously hungry.

"Yes you all may leave. I don't want anything." Evan commanded.

"I don't want anything. I ain't hungry." I said as I made my way to the couch in the room.


With that they all left leaving me and Evan in the room alone.

"Mind telling me something about you." Evan said as he sat across me.

"Like what?"


"Ok. Let's play questions." I said as a smile formed on my face.

I and Lily play questions all the time we are free.

"What's that?" Evan asked really confused. Obviously he didn't knew.

"We'll ask questions to each other which you and I both will answer honestly."

"Ok. You start." Evan gestured towards me.

"What's you favourite colour?"

"Grey or Black." I guess.

"Mine is blue."

We shoot many questions to each other till he asked the most difficult one.

"Where are your parents Miss Rosewell?"

I didn't answered but stayed quiet.

It was my second birthday when they met with an accident and died. I don't remember any of my memory with them as I was quite small when they died. Josh found me in a orphanage and decided to train me for the best. He is like a father figure to me. I tend to meet him not more than twice a year yet I'm very close to him. He wrote his throne to my name when I was 19.

A hand wiped a tear which rolled on my cheek and I realised it was Evan who was sitting next to me with his arms around me. It was then I realised that I was crying.

I kept my head on his chest and sobbed silently. He stroke my hair and drawer invisible patterns on my back. His small action helped me a lot. He tightened his hold on me and it helped too. After some time,I wiped my face and gulped my rest of tears.

"I shouldn't have asked that." He said still holding my hands.

"They died when I was 2 and..... and I was at an orphanage when Josh found .... found me." I said between the sobs when tear started again.

He hugged me more tightly this time and said : "I'm sorry Katherine." He said my name after so many days and it felt so good coming out of his mouth.

"Not your fault." I said as it was now his turn to answer me.

"My father cheated on my mom with some other lady. When we came to know this, I planned his murder and took over his business. My mom and I don't regret this decision till date. I hate cheaters from that day." He said as a hint of anger was visible in his blue eyes.

"I see." I said as I poured some water in a glass and gulped it down.

"Please don't tell anyone about my parents. Only lily knows this." I said as I sat back at the couch.

"I won't." He said as he eyes noted my face as if remembering it.

"I never tell anyone about my father." He said with sincerity in his eyes."Carter knows this as he is my childhood friend and you are the second one." He continued.

"Thank you for sharing this with me." I said as I smiled towards him.

"che cosa mi stai facendo?" He said tucking a stand of my hair behind my ear.

(What are you doing to me?)

I didn't understood yet smiled at his action.

Just then we heard a knock at the door.

The guy came in.

"Boss, Mr. Woodwords is here with the team and so are other people including Anthony."

(A/N : Mr. Woodwords is Carter.)

"It's time for action Veleno." Evan said as he stood up from the couch extending a hand towards me.

"I guess." With that I took his hand and walked towards the suitcase which had guns.

I tucked 2 guns in my waist band while I had one in my thigh strip and one in my hand. I took some bullets with me and was ready to go.

I turned towards Evan and he gave me a nod before we all exited the room loaded with guns.

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