Chapter 24 - Fingers Crossed

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The song has nothing to do with the chapter but I still love it. ZAYN is love 💕

Song Name : Fingers

Katherine Stalin

We walked towards warehouse. Taking the back door we entered. There were guards which were taken care by my men.

We walked further and faced many other guards.I came across the room which was the same in which he kept me. It's definitely strange that I remember every single detail of that incident. The way he behaved, his beatings, his way of talk, the room he kept me in. Every single thing. It's ridiculous and since Evan started receiving those letters it been like a rod struck on my mind which bought all those memories back.

Evan was with me before and when I was a crying, frightened mess for almost 3 days, I never left my room. Evan was constantly by my side and I am very glad he did. He canceled all the meetings or training of both mine and his gang and pampered me. It was when Lily, Carter, Anna and others took me and Evan on a picnic, I was started feeling better again. Though at that time they didn't knew about the letters still they respected my privacy and didn't ask the reason.

Liam shook my shoulder bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded and opened the door.

To my pleasure or should I say dismay I saw Evan and Carter. Chained to the walls.

Pleasure because I saw the love of my life after almost loosing him and dismay because he was beaten up really bad. I mean his left arm was shot and his lower lip was bleeding. To his left was Carter, who was bleeding badly by his right leg. He must not have been shot yet just was injured.

They weren't in the outfit they left with. Their coats weren't on and both their white shirts were dirty and red by the blood.

Liam and Ian rushed towards Carter while I approached Evan. I fired a bullet at the chain of Evan and he was free. Liam did the same to Carter.

Evan stood up and I instantly pulled him into a bone crushing hug. It was like I was checking weather he was fine or not. If he was really here or was I hallucinating. He wrapped his arms around me instantly and I buried my head in his chest. I was sure by now that he was here and was with me. He slowly caressed my hair and I felt at peace. The time stopped and I didn't even knew I was crying. It wasn't because he had to go through so much or his sufferings. It was because my man was here with me and he was my power. I felt as if I gained my power back and was very happy. Love never makes anyone weak it gives you power and I have experience it.

Evan pulled away. He chuckled a little and kissed my lips lightly. I turned towards a man and he passed a gun to Evan and Carter respectively.

"Do you want to attack Lorenzo now? Katherine has enough men already." Liam asked to Evan.

"No. I don't want to attack him now moreover he isn't here and neither is prepared.I am not a coward who attacks his enemy when he is down."

"Then should we head back home, boss?" One of the man asked.

"." I and Evan said at the same time. We looked at each other and chuckled. All of us ended up laughing hard.That happened because they usually call him boss but right now they were calling me that, so we both answered.


When we died down, we sat in the car with Liam driving, Ian beside him while I,Evan and Carter in the backseat.Ian called the doctor at the Pericoloso Mansion to check up on Evan and Carter.

We reached the mansion and Stalin sisters immediately engulfed Evan into a tight hug. Lily did the same to. After that she walked to Carter and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. Anna hugged Ian and Emma hugged Liam.

"Thank you Katherine." Lily said as she hugged me with all her might.

"What for?" I asked in an amused tone.

"For bring both Carter and Evan home safe." She said and I hugged her hard again this time.

"You don't need to thank me. They are my brother and husband respectively." Lily gave me a sincere smile.

Lily walked Carter to their room and I did the same to Evan.

He plopped on the bed and I bought him fresh clothes to change in.

I helped him change and then made him lay on the bed. I sat by him and he kept his head on my lap. I started playing with his hair loving his presence here with me.

We sat there in silence enjoying each other's company. It felt so good of him being here.

There was knock on the door. Evan laid on the pillow while I got the door.

There was Doctor Weston with his suitcase.

"Morning Katherine." He said. We know each other very well. He was our gang doctor. Whenever anything happens to any of the member of gang, he was called.

"Morning Doctor Weston." I replied as he walked towards our bed where Evan was already seated.

"I have checked Carter and he is doing good now. Let's see what happens to you." He said to Evan and I sat by him.

Doctor Weston was still in middle of his checkup when I felt like vomiting. I rushed to the washroom.

I threw up and then washed my face. I brushed my teeth to get rid of that smell and walked out of the bathroom.

This was second continuous week when I am throwing up every now and then. It all started after some days of our marriage. First I thought that it was the stress but nowI really am worried.

"Despite you are throwing up, you have a glow on you face." Doctor Weston said as he finished checking Evan.

"Sit here so that I can check you too." He said and I sat on the bed opposite to Evan.

Doctor Weston checked my heartbeat and then my pulse rate. He checked my blood pressure and kept quite for some time.

That silence was killing me. I hope there's nothing to worry about.

Fingers crossed.

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