Chapter 14 - Dinner

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Evan Stalin

"I got a call from Anthony this morning. He has invited me to a dinner tonight with Carter and Katherine. The backup will be around the restaurant and if we give a signal you may accompany us and shot the idiotas dead. If all went good then you might not get to heat your guns but if anything gets fishy, I will gift you some good action tonight." I said with a smirk.

We were currently in my office. It's 6 in the evening which leaves us with an hour before the dinner.There is a major change in plan due to those fucking bastards. The hard work of my men went in vein.

As for my mother and sister are concerned, they have shifted at around 10 in the morning today and maids helped them settle in.

"Prepare yourself with guns and arms while the three of us get ready for the dinner."

All of them nodded and exited my office except Katherine, Carter, Ian, Liam.

"Carry a single, fully loaded gun and nothing else with you." I said to Katherine and Carter.

"You two will be seated in the restaurant prior to us, dressed as civilians. They should not have a doubt on you." Liam and Ian nodded.

"Let's get dressed." I said as we went to our respective rooms. Ian and Liam will leave earlier and we will leave after 20 minutes of their departure.

I put on a tuxedo and gelled my hair

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I put on a tuxedo and gelled my hair. I clipped a watch and was ready to go.

I made my way to Katherine's room. I knocked softly and opened the door to find the room empty.

I walked in and saw Katherine was inside her walk-in closet and was brushing her hair. I cleared my throat.

That caught her attention. She kept the brush in the table and approached me.

She was wearing a black skin tight dress which was hugging her body at all perfect areas

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She was wearing a black skin tight dress which was hugging her body at all perfect areas. Fuck, did she look hot.

She swirled around and asked, "What do you think?"

"Mia Belle." I said as I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiled at my gesture but I don't think she got what I said

"Translation Please." She said with a huff.

"My Beautiful." I said and she kissed my cheek.

"Come." I said as we walked out of the room.

Carter was talking with Lily in the living room. He said something and lily turned red. I swear he is quite horny right now.

"Carter, let's go." Katherine said and Lily came towards us.

She waved at Katherine and the three of us exited our house. I and Katherine sat in the back seat while Carter sat in the front seating, beside the driver.

"Liam and Ian are there, right?" Katherine asked Carter on which he replied, "Yes, Bubble. Don't worry."

After a short drive, we reached the hotel. We all entered the hotel and spotted Anthony.

We walked up to his table and exchanged our handshakes. Along with him was his sister Ivory and another man who I assume is his right hand.

I took my seat and Ivory sat next to me and as soon as she settled she kept a hand on my thigh. Katherine excused herself and went to the washroom.

I tried to shove her hands away from me multiple times but that dumbass girl wouldn't take the sign.

Katherine returned and saw what was going on. She walked up to her and whispered in to her ears, "Get you shameless ass up this chair and fucking shift. Sit beside your ass of a brother and don't you dare look at my man. Eye him once and feel my wrath." She muttered in a deadly low voice but I still caught that.

This girl drives me insane. She's so hot when jealous as well as angry.

Ivory got up from the seat and sat next to Anthony. Katherine took her place next to me and smiled as if nothing happened. Dammit, no wonder I fell for her.

"So as you know, our gangs have been in a rivalry for a year or two, we would like to end it and propose a marriage between you and my sister, Ivory. We may merge our gangs and take down our rivals together." Anthony stayed calmly.

"How about no? I don't like your whore of a sister." I stayed between gritted teeth.

"Watch your language and if your answer is no, then it's a war." Anthony said as the three of them got up and walked out of the restaurant.

We three along with Ian and Liam, got up and Carter called for backup. We walked out of the restaurant and hear Anthony's voice coming from the parking area. We switched our guns with the ones that have silencer on and walked to the drive way. The three pointed a gun at us and we being more in number then them, circled them.

Katherine walked up to Ivory but Anthony stood in front of him. Ian got hold of Anthony while Liam got his right hand. Katherine dragged Ivory in the middle of the circle.

"If you make a noise you are as good as dead." She said and Ivory nodded. Fear was written all over her face. Katherine shot Ivory's hand and she silently cried in pain.

"This is because you tried touching what belongs to me." Katherine said with a smirk. She gripped Ivory's hair such that she had direct eye contact with her. She kept the gun in Ivory's mouth and shot 3 bullets in her, without a warning.

Ivory instantly feel to the ground while Anthony's face was pale in fear. Katherine walked up to him and without a word shot him directly on his heart.

He instantly feel to the ground.

She pointed a gun at Anthony's right hand and said : "Move your ass to your late boss' office and ask all your fellow mates to surrender to Pericoloso and if they deny our men will shot dead them." Katherine said in a threatening voice while he just nodded.

"Ian, please send some men with him while he's at it." She said as she smiled at Ian. Ian nodded and Liam called for people to clean this place before anyone sees.

Liam and Ian made their way back to our home. Carter and Katherine wanted to have dinner in the restaurant so the three of us stayed. After dinner we all sat in the car and made our way back to the house.

We all changed and went to sleep. What happened at the parking lot was playing in my mind on repeat.

Katherine looked so hot. I feel like I have to confess my love for her real soon.

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